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i hate it i hate it i hate it... i love this girl and i cant help it, i want to be with her and not a day goes by where i dont think about her... i feel that i NEED her... me and her are very tight very good friends and i know she doesnt have feelings for me... AT ALL... shes single, but if i tell her how i feel (or even lie and say "i like you a little bit") i think that'll ruin our relationship and there would be that akwardness between us... and i have no idea what to do


1.) tell her and jeprodize our relationship

2.) just keep it to myself

3.) try to get her off my mind and stop thinking about her by doing other stufff

4.) something else....


cmon, i need help... cuz right now, im so confused and dont know what too doooooooo

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Not that this is really importent but I was just wondering how old you were, it's totally ok if you don't wanna tell me.


anyways to your Question, are you sure that she has no feelings for you and just hasn't said something cause she feels the same why you are feeling now?

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Even if she doesn't have feelings for you, isn't having to keep all your feelings inside already jeopardising your friendship? Maybe you could explain to her that you'd never want to do anything to ruin your friendship with her, and that you really value it, then ease it in from there.

Either that or you'll simply have to move on, but hey, you never know, maybe she's willing to give it a try too

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I think you should diffently just tell her... Afterwards ask her hows shes feels about that and if she responds negitivly explain how you would hate to have that ruin your friendship with her. If you dont tell her you'll never know if she may like you as more also and just as scared as you!

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Do you really enjoy just being friends with her??? Doesn't sound like it. Stop holding your feelings inside, it's gotta be killing you. Let her know how you feel. If she bites, great. If not, cut her off because she will never start feeling for you in "that way" if you just stay her friend. I've never seen it happen. Also start talking to other girls too. Plenty of them out there and they can give you everything she can and more. She's taking up a lot of your time too, time you could be using to find a different girl. Your time is valuable, treat it as such.

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Sure it might be awkward after you tell her and you find that she isn't on the same page as you, but in friendships you can over come that awkwardness afterwards. What do you have to loose? Really? Tell her cause if she feels the same way as you...she will be so relieved.

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I agree with ABC and his chineese motto. So very true. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If your friendship is a strong one and she's not on the same page with you. She'll still be there for you. And who knows, maybe it'll give her something to think about....


There was a country tune..."Lets give em something to talk about...." Where two people were "Just" friends and those around them started talking about "HOW" close they were... and it gave them the idea that... hmmm just maybe....


Tell her and get it off your just. Honesty is the best policy. You'll feel better to get it off your chest and get it on the table.

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I disagree with all you guys, i think you are wrong telling her how you feel, JUST yet.


This is how i see it, i have been in this situation alot of times, and now i know how to deal with it. I firmly believe the best way to do it, is just go along as you are, be patient, flirt with her, and kind of show you like her, DONT tell her, not just yet anyways.


She will pick up on it, and she will at LEAST have the idea in her head, and it wont be as a shock. the reason i say this, is because im in a situation kind of the same, but different.


What i mean, is that we are not best of friends, but shes dead ar se shy, so i had to take my time, i wanted to flirt, say nice things to her, make her feel comfortable and relaxed and just give her the impression i liked her.

It took a few weeks, and recently i told her, and it wasnt a shock because she kind of knew, i really wouldnt just tell her, it will give her the shock of her life, she might not be ready to hear that.

But if you start to flirt with her, and treat her nice and special and do nice things and say nice things to her, that could work in your favour that way.


Only reason I disagree with all you guys, is that i fear that this dude will scare this chick away, and its happened soo many times before, and ive always thought this was THE best approache.


So start reading up on your flirting articles, be a charm and work your magic. Hope this helped, anyone agree with me?

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