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Wondering what could have been

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2 month ago i took an airplane and sat near this girl who at first sight i found very cute. So we started talking and the more we talked the more i found myself attracted to her, it was the first time i felt that much chimestry. From the beginning to the end of the flight we talked, the 2 hour ride went by so fast.


Then when we got off the plane, it took me some time because i had to pick up my bag, so she got off maybe 1 min before me but she was waiting for me, she told me it was very nice meeting me and that she hope she could catch me on a other flight sometime. So we walked together inside the airport where i had to take a other flight and then we parted ways because one of her friends she was visiting was picking her up


i didn't had the guts to ask her for her # and since then i'm always thinking about her


Now i would really like to meet her again but i dont know what to do,

I know alot of thing that could help me find her like the town where she live who is only 1hr30 from my town , the street where she lives, i also know were and what she is studying and in witch year she is., i even know when it her birthday but there a big thing i forgot to ask her its her name, the discussion was going so well i didn't even think about presenting myself and asking her for her name.


I think the best way to meet her again would be to go to this popular night club in her town and hope i see her sometime, or maybe try to find her trough the university she goes to


So i would really like to meet her again, because i never had those kind of feeling before i cant even believe i feel like that after only a 2hr conversation.


The thing is i'm not sure she felt the same way as i did and i dont even know if she as a boyfriend. So i dont know what to do , and i dont wanna look like a psycho or a stalker.


Any advice?

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Make sure this doesn't happen again. I've been in similar situations and have regretted not doing anything. It's hard the first time, but trust me it gets a lot easier the second and even more the third. That, and you won't kick yourself in the head wondering "what if this and that happened"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not much you can do?? Heck man, you know what street she lives on and how to get there, which is only an hour and a half. If you really want to see her again I would go door to door describe the person you are looking for and I would say you have a 98% chance of a neighbor recognizing her. You may seem a bit embarrased to be doing such a thing, but that is a bullet you are going to have to bite.

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Not much you can do?? Heck man, you know what street she lives on and how to get there, which is only an hour and a half. If you really want to see her again I would go door to door describe the person you are looking for and I would say you have a 98% chance of a neighbor recognizing her. You may seem a bit embarrased to be doing such a thing, but that is a bullet you are going to have to bite.


funny you should suggest something like thatm there's this girl in my apartment building, I even know what floor she lives on and such. We were very attracted to each other, and I'm always wondering what could've been, however, I don't know if I could do the door to door thing lol...sorry maynard didn't mean to hijack the thread...we're just in somewhat similar situations.

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