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oh dear, here i go again

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ok, so i'm a complete ditz when it comes to new love..


i met this guy, things are going great, but i want to see him all the time, i check my emails far too often, keep my phone close, just in case.. i just want to have him close always.


i know i sound stalkerish, but io do limit myself to 2 calls/ emails a day (one of each, not four contacts)


i just want to know why i get so wrapped up in these things.


cos the weird thing is that when we are face to face, i act like i've just run into the prime minister or something.. i get all omg.. there he is.. omg..i could touch him.. i won't, but OMG!!!


its quite sad, and I thik he's noticed.. we are good friends through email, and really comfortable.. but he called me tardo riccardo in an email.. no offense to anyone, it's just how we are (oh, him 25, me 26... and yes we really are that lame) i just feel like such a tool when i see him, especially when all i can think about is jumping him the second i see him...

someone please help me relax!!


i think i'm losing the plot!!


thanks forum people..


you've been fantastic so far

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I believe this is called the "honey mooning phase".. The relationship is new and exciting hence the constant energy.. Over time, this will settle a little once you are used to each other. But for now, enjoy it!.. There's nothing too worry about.. Im sure he loves the attention too

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thanks guys,

helps to know your not the only one who sends the messaage then goes "omg.. he's gonna think i'm a stalker.. what if he hates me, what if he's trying to break up AAAAGH!!!"




thanks for the huggles

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