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Dont like the guys my age...HELP!

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Well uh here's my situation. I am only 13 years old but I am only attracted to the older guys. A few guys my age have asked me out , and I did at one point say yes to one of them. We went out for like 2 weeks or so and I DID NOT LIKE IT AT ALL. He was so shy and so immature. I talked to him about it , and he said he would try to change a bit. I can admit he did try but it still wasn't working. We broke up. Then I met this other guy and we were always talking and we were always so happy to see each other but he was 16 . I started to like him and i could really tell he was starting to like me too. We ended up going out it was GREAT. He was so fun so intresting never boring like the 13 yr old. I loved it. Unfortunately, since I was so young and not ready to like just cut down to this one guy we decided to take a "break". I tried to force myself to talk to guys my age but still...IT WAS NOT WORKING!! So me and my current bf resumed the relationship. During that time my hormones were RAGING. I always found that I was SO HORNY (kinda bad but still). Me and my bf were always messing around but we were both virgins and we wanted to wait a bit more. We both wanted it so badly though. One night me and him were outside and things got really HOT (well at my age i consider it HOT ) I ended up touching him ALL OVER and yes i mean ALL OVER lol. He did the same with me. I got the chance to touch his -penis- and I thought it was so BIG.Thats another problem im scared that if i go out with a guy my age his penis will be tiny and that's not such a big deal but I dont think it will really turn me on. Anyways, from then on I have not liked anyone else my age. I just really like the older ones. I think its not all that bad because I am in love w. this guy and age aint nuthin but a number. My friends say its wrong, disgusting etc... I can't talk about this with anyone other then my friends....not my mom or dad cuz they don't even like the idea of me talking to guys...


I just wanna know what you all think about this and give me reasons!!

Thanx So Much in advance...


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i like you am also in to older guys my boyfriend right now is 18. iam 15. your only 13 at your age i was not ready for a boyfriend yet. i think that maybe if u are thinking about dating someone older it should be more like 15 or 16 because any older could get him in trouble because your still conseidered a child. i know that may sound weird buts its true

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I think you need to slow your roll.... right now you say "age ain't nuthin but a number" and in a few years you will be saying "it's just sex".


I don't know how your hormones can be raging when you are only 13! I wasnt even thinking about that at your age, more interested in cheerleading and going to dances, and maybe a kiss on the cheek! Wow how times change (and I am not even old yet).


Other then that, it's relatively normal for any girl to be attracted to older men. I am. My boyfriends have always been older then me.

But at 13 I think that you need to keep your mind on other things.

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Can we say...umm maybe Barbies?


Easy bake ovens? Gezz Your 13!.....


I couldn't even hold matches at that age. I was still playing with my G.I. Jo's in the sand box, And throwing rocks at bee's nest at age 13. (bad idea don't try that anytime soon)


I wasn't even thinking about older women, not that i can remember at age 13...


Ok maybe a few visits to the neighbor hood doctors office, which was really the girl around the corner from me, curious at times with each other in the swimming pool, but it never went any further than "you show me yours I'll show you mine" I don't think this is important to say but i believe the first naked women i saw was probably my sister, (lol) [Keynote #1] (I'm notorious for getting myself into trouble) original bad boy, ya' know.


Maybe this is the female hormone, And the 4 words that best describe it *being* wants, needs, feels, loves..yea has to be some connection with older men and father figures, iv 'e heard that from many different girlfriends of mine, but never really understood it..Anyways they say that, they are; and always have been more interested and drawn to an older men.


back to the Barbie's.. Kskm, are you wearing anything in your photo?


I'm not sure what happened, from what seems like over night. It's like kids are becoming adults weeks after learning the ABC's.


My advice , wait! 4-7 years...timing is everything, don't become a statistic, and end up on some talk show, explaining to other women your age, how you messed up, ended up with 3 kids at age 17, no father to support you or your kids, no source of income except the little money you get from a part time job, cause finishing high school wasn't an option with the first child, see the pattern?


"Welcome to what may become reality if you don't slow your roll babe."


Peace -s4il

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Slow down...you have you entire life ahead of you. When I was your age I was still paying with doll babies 13 is way too young to be feeling all over some guy's body and let alone someone feeling all over yours. Enjoy being a child, when you get my age you will see what I am talking about. You should not be worrying about how big or small some guy's penis is either. I am not trying to give you a hard way to go but time has really changed.


To answer your question, it is normal for younger "women" not "girls" to be attracted to older guys. It's a maturity thing. Again I must reinforce this, put your time and effort into sometihing other that guys. Cheerleading, double dutch, hop-scotch, red light-green light...I think you get the picture.

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I know you don't want to hear another person tell you, you should be playing with Barbies because your so young. Yes they are right though, things have really changed. Personally I am responding because I have always liked older men. Although I waited until I was 18 before I went out with anyone significantly older than me. I'm not saying 16 to 13 is a big age gap, it's really not. BUT for legal purposes it can get you into trouble. Just be careful, and remember you are still young, in a year I guarantee you won't think all the same things you do now. Everyone changes especially when they are younger. Good luck w/whatever you end up doing.

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[a thing other posters have failed to mention]


There are boys out there at your age that Are mature.


You don't have to go out with immature, stereotypical teenage boys.


There could be a smart sophisticated 13 year old out there for you; but you're not going to give him the chance.


I'm not going to patronize you with talk of playing with barbies.


As for the size of his penis - you shouldn't be worried about that for two reasons:


1. 13 year old boys/girls shouldn't be engaging in sexual relations [you've got that ahead of you]


2. It is Illegal to have sex before you're sixteen.


Size doesn't matter anyway.. right girls? lol

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