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is my weight preventing sexual attraction?


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OK. There is this girl I am falling for, and whenever I am around her I want her even more. Her friends are awesome. However, they never discuss sex around me and or relationships. Always when other guys are around. I am quite light, but i cant gain weight cause i have an incredible metabolism rate and hypoglycemia (which means i have to eat a meal every hour and a half; which might sound good to some people but damn it sucks) and i feel my weight is preventing my advances in social interaction. Please what can i do?

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  • 5 weeks later...

You know, I have absolutely no idea whether or not this girl doesn't like you because you're skinny. But I do know that you should really not worry about it. If that is the reason, she's totally superficial and probably not worth your time (plus, there's really nothing you can do about it). Of course, you could be totally misreading the situation. Just because she and her friends don't talk about sex around you doesn't mean she's not interested. I know that I talk much less about stuff like that when I'm around people I'm interested in. So be sure that you're sending signals that you're interested before you decide she isn't. And, as much as I hope it isn't, if it is true that she's not interested, don't worry about why. It's not as though other people will feel the same way; everyone's different and there are probably just as many people in the world that will be interested because you're thin as there are that won't. So, this may not help at all, but I hope you can decide to be happy with who you are. Honestly, you are who you are and there's not anything you can do about it so you might as well like it and be happy.

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  • 4 months later...

If she isn't inteerested in you just because of your metabolism, than forget her. If she's one of those girls seeing you eat a lot and not thinking about why in hell you eat that much and stay that scinny, she's got the brains of an old piece of toast. Leave out on her and look for someone who tries to get behind your facade. That is where real happiness lies!

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