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friend is changing and i don't know what to do

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I am really freaked out and I don't know what to do.


I finally got to talk to my best friend, who I havn't gotten to see or talk to in like 3 weeks (cuz of summer) Anyways, she imed me and was telling me about how she had gone to church camp and she felt that her life was totally changed now. She was talking about how she wanted to go into the ministry and how she was a completely different person. I said "Cool! That's really awesome and I'm glad you're happy!" becaues I am! That's awesome that she's happier and life is looking up, because fate has been dealing her a crappy hand and I'm overjoyed that it's looking up! well we kept talking for a while and she wasn't really typing in complete sentances so I didn't reallyg et what she was saying and would ask her about it again or what she meant. Then this happened.


her- "Are you drunk or stoned or something?"

me - "Dude...no...y?"

her- "Because you're acting weird..."

me - "I'm just tired...the cats keep me up most of the night."

her- "really"


I'm not sure if she meant "really" sarcastically or sincerely or questioningly, but after that little segment she seemed really distant and cold. I don't know what's going on, but it almost seemed as if she was upset with me, or just didn't relate to me anymore. I don't know what to do! It may seem like I'm over-reacting, but this year so far I've lost several friends, and I'm afraid that I'm losing her too. If anyone has any advice to offer, I could really use some right about now.

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I had a friend like that once. The guy started going to this church (cult). Slowly but shurely he started changing. He became Mr. Relegion. I'm not an athiest or anything but I totally hate when people start pushing their beliefs on me. All he would talk about was God this God that. He started pulling away from us. He basically said we where no good and that we where all going to hell. Mostly cause the crap he was spewing about God and everything was BS. He showed us his bible. There was so much crap in there that was different from the Catholic bible. We would all argue with him about it. Finally just stopped talking to the guy. He got pretty much brainwashed in my oppinion. Nothing against relegion or anything but them Evangelical preacher types annoy me.


You can't really do anything about it. It's the persons choice to live the way they want and to believe what they want.

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It's not her being religious that I have a problem with, cause I'm religious too, just all of a sudden since it happened, she has been so distant and cold...and I don't understand why! I can't help but feel that me not changing is the reason that she's seperating herself from me! I've made many mistakes and am still making them. I did things I shouldn't have and so did she, and now she's cleaning up her act and I can't help but feel that's why she's seperating herself from me. Almost like she's judging me or something. She's not trying to force religion onto me, cuz she knows that I'm religious, but she's just being so distant and cold. I'm just confused and don't really get why and if the only reasons I can think of are true, I'm so afraid that I'm going to loose our friendship.


It doesn't help that this year I've lost one friend entirely (I don't regret it at all, but that doesn't make it any easier) and pretty much just don't really stay in touch with another. I'm having major guy problems (the one I want doesn't notice me at all from what I can tell) and I have major self-esteem issues. I'm so confused and I don't think I can handle my life sinking anymore.

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I'm really considering it, but I'm afriad that I'm blowing the whole thing out of porportion and that if I am, and I'm just imaginging things, that it'll make it worse. I just really need to see her in person. I hate internet because you can't see or hear expression so everything seems so dry and dull and it's so hard to tell what people are thinking.

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