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should i try anymore?

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ok so after my ex and i broke up (who i was dating for a year) i met a guy. he was a great guy. but of course just being out of a relationship i wasnt ready to jump into another one. i was scared and unsure of the whole thing so i pushed him away. he and i would continue to talk on and off but now its been about 9months since my ex and i have broken up....its been a bumpy road and i feel like im ready to start something new with someone. and here i am thinkin of this guy who i started talkin too right after my ex.


the thing is......i feel like i have lost my chance and it stinks. im unsure what to do. yeah him and i would talk on and off and it would end on both of our halfs because we were busy with school and work. So a couple of weeks ago we talked online and he said he missd me and i said the same and he said he wanted to get together. but he didnt call. so i called him being nice and left a messgae. i sent a couple texts every couple of days (nothing to crazy like everyday and stuff) just saying hi. and he would always respond.


what should i do.....i have told him how i feel and i have asked him out should i contiue to try or give up? i feel like i have messed up cause this guy poured his heart out to me a couple times but i always went away becuase i was scared of a relationship and wasnt sure of my feelings. should i leave him alone and see what he does? or should i continue to try to show that i really am intrested and want to see if something will happen? i dont want to coninue to try to talk to him and look like a looonely bin, u know? any thoughts?

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Well, you should do like you always do, send him a message about your everyday discussions and when he starts talkin, carry the convorsation. As soon as you get the chance tell him how you feel and why u pushed him away, im pretty sure he will understand. Tell him im sorry i pushed you away the last couple of times we talked but i was trying to get over my las relationship, and now that I (you) have im willing to start a new relationship with you.

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hey thanks guys i guess i will continue to persue him, cause i want to show him i want to try things out if he wants to. The last that i talked to him/saw him was probably the end of april or early may then he randomly called me in the middle of May to see if i was going to a laccrosse game he was going to...he said he was lookin for me. then we talked on line i guess the beginning of june. soi mean we have been talkin here and there


it just seems like we can never get on the same page with things. now im a little scared to try to persue him if he doesnt want anything to do with me, cause i dont want to look crazy ya know?

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so i texted him last night just saying hi.....to see if i could get some sort of responce or whatever. then this morning i got a hello from him. i continued to ask how he was doing. he responded and we went back and forwth for a couple to textes. He asked when he could see me. i said it was whenever he was free. he said this weekend. i told him to call me when he was free.


the thing is.....should i wait now for him to do something. i have been trying to get in contact and now that we have had a pretty decent convo even though it was by texting. should i leave it to him to maybe do something next....................cause that will show if hes really intersted still?

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