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I was wondering about the possiblity of one person staying committed to another. Is it just me or does it seem like once you are dating someone you all of a sudden have more options on who you want to date? I've been seeing this girl on and off for over a year now, just recently though we mutually agreed to be friends because of our own hetic schedules, etc. But we both admitted we still love each other and would always be there for one another. Lately I've met 3 girls who've all showed signs of interests, have gave me their #'s, but as humble as I am, I can't decide if seeing any of them is worth it nor do I even want to deal with the hassle of dating a bunch of girls at once. Even if they could just be friends, do you ever feel like just blowing someone off cause of all the other things you have to do in a day. I know this sounds really selfish, but I couldn't even make time for a girl that I truly love, how will I make time for girls that want to date me? Then again I think about networking in terms of new careers or business opportunities and a little voice in my head says pursue them just because the more people you know, the more opportunities could come your way for better or worse.



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Timing is everything.


Trust your Gut...sometimes your mind and that little voice you mentioned can be misleading, and may cause you to get caught up in a emotional roller coaster of mixed feelings for a particular girl in your life.

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Then again I think about networking in terms of new careers or business opportunities and a little voice in my head says pursue them just because the more people you know, the more opportunities could come your way for better or worse


Clear sign you shouldn't date any of them. Your looking at it as networking and dates aren't suppose to be business. You are still interested in the other girl. You would just be setting them and you up for problems.

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