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she is seeing somebody and may have been cheating on me?

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im a 26 yearold guy that was broken up with buy a 23 yearold girl.

heres what happened........she called me one afternoon to tell me after 3 years she needed a break. ok???? she was confused about "life" and couldnt give me a straight answer on what a break meant to her. to me its alittle time apart with the intentions of getting back together....no???

anyway......i told her i wasnt mentally able to handle these types of games as i went through them in the relationship before this one. she told me she needed a break to find out she was cheating on me and ended up seeing the guy for awhile only to get dumped 3 months later and try to come back to me. it all really messed me. so........i i told her if she was breaking up with me that i wasnt going to wait for her to pull the same game. to make along story short.......i couldnt do it. i needed to talk to her, see her, anything to have her still in my life. i wanted to help her with her problems and work this all out. but still all i got was a load of "i dont knows". her parents made her go see a phsyciatrist to deal with her problems. i have no idea what they are....she want talk to me about anything. for almost 2 months we would talk on and off, only if i called her. she would tell me she missed me alot and that she felt she was making the biggest mistake of her life. she asked if i would take her back at one point and even if id go to talk with someone with her. of course i said yes.......this was the girl i thought was the one. i would do anything at this point. then it all went crazy.......id call her to see how she was doing. she wouldnt return my calls. she finally called back 5 days later to tell me she was busy........and then told me she couldnt talk she was pulling into the bar to meet some friends. i was really hurt form all this.....i wanted to talk, i wanted answers. we hung up and havent talked since then almost a month ago. since ive heard she is seeing somebody and may have been cheating on me. i tried calling to ask her but go no respones. i dont know this guy at all except that he was in the navy.

ill be getting checked out soon to clear my mind. that was the knife that really hurt....i was lied to, manipulated, and decieved by the girl i thought i was going to spend the rest of my life with, and she did it in a very harsh way. ive been on an emotional rollercoaster ever since. not nowing the truth.....what was lies what wasnt. have i done the right thing buy not calling her. should i seek answers from people that may know? i was close with her parents......her mother was especially upset about the situtaion. her father i havent seen since she took her "break".lol

what should i do? dont contact the mother or father and just remember that if she wanted to contact me and tell me she could. i cant believe someone could do a thing like this to a person......and then lie about the whole thing. man oh man.

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It sounds like she is just as confused but is handling it in a different way. It is very commendable of you to take such steps to go talk to someone with her, I am sure it showed you really care about her. She may be looking for some type of validation if she is cheating and/or jumping from one relationship to the next. You guys were also in a very serious relationship during the "prime years" of dating. If she saw her friends dating a lot or being single she may be trying to compensate for what she sees as a loss in some way. Just send out positive energy and things will work out.

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scotchtape.....we never did go talk with someone. she mentioned it, i said yes i would go if she wanted that to happen, and it was never brought up again. we dont talk now so i dont know if she really meant it or was just saying it.did i do the right thing buy cutting all ties? i want to call her but she just hurts me when i do, and lies to me. i did ask if she was seeing someone on 4 or 5 occasions and she told me no.

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