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words arent enough

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Me and my boyfriend have been together for 9 months. We both love each to the point that we're always together and see each other every time we have free time. I just feel like i cant show him that i love him the way that i want to. Ive tryed show him by being intimate with him. I still dont feel like ive even come close to showing him how much i love him. Everytime i tell him i love him it feels like theres something more i should be telling him but theres nothing left to tell, we have both poured our hearts out telling each other exactly how we feel. Is there anything i can do to let him know that i am deeply in love with him?

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I don't think that you can let him know anymore then you have lol. sounds like you both really know you that the other loves the other

I think that the best way to show you love someone is by your actions though not just by telling them, telling them doesn't mean anything imo unless you can act like it and show it through what you do everyday. Just little things you know, like letting them go first, or listening to them, spending time with them...so on.

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Sometimes love can't be shown, it can only be felt. Sometimes there are no words or actions that can express what you feel. Do what you have been doing, do the little things too. Odds are, he knows and is having the same problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

IMO.. love is 24/7.. its not just the words...actions speak louder than words. Its not all about the intimacy either. Its about consideration and understanding. Being friends with someone. Truly truly friends. And by showing him you love him with all the little things... I don't mean becoming a door-mat either... you need to keep your self-respect.


LOL...and remember the golden rule: Love someone as you would be Loved.

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