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ahh the bookstore!

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k so heres the scoop. im basically a regular at a bookstore thats located near my house. I buy a book there about once a week and there is this girl that works there. and each time i go to pay for a book, she says "u must read those books pretty fast". so today i bought a book and she says, " are u sure u arent reading these books or just buying them to see me", then turns to the girl next to her and says "this guys in here every week, but really were secret lovers". Ok i know its probably nothing, but is this girl trying to suggest something or bring flirtatious, or am i just being paranoid and if not, how could i act on it?

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Shy!! why is this in the 'shy' post??? lol


Man she's flirting with you and you did what to respond to that???


You should have been like "Yea, don't be too full of yourself...You're not that good, plus you're the one tryin to pick me up...just admit it"...and have smiled...that would have been gold.


Other than that, she's flirting somewhat with you, so go back, flirt with her and talk for a bit, ask for her number, and leave. Then you can call her in a few days and ask her out...and you'd better DO IT!...why is this in shy...hehe

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Dude, she is prob after you! Go there and be llike, I was looking through the phone book(book store ) and I did not see your number.... I was wondering what it was. OK, but dont say that. I'm tired and its just something really lame I said. Too bad she does not work in a library, you could be like, hey sometime maybe I can check you out! Ok thats lame too, never say that!! Or you can be like, whats it take to get a discount on some books here?? A dinner and a movie with you? Ok, I'm shutting up now.


Well she wants you I'm sure. Or at least wants to chat more.....

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The thing that I would do.. is go in, get 2 books..one being the one you want, and the other being something along the lines of

"How to ask out the Beautiful Cashier" or something like that.

(as a joke of course)

Put this book on the counter and stare at her smiling, she will clearly say something.. and just go from there, pick that book up, laugh and give her the real one..

and finish off by saying "so when does your secret lover get to take you out in public?" or something along those lines.


Just a suggestion!

Good Luck!

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no because she looked around at first and then pulled something out of a drawer scanned it then whsipered its this much isnt that awesome


John, I think it's cute that you can't see how many BIG HINTS this girl is throwing you. Use Misery12's line and ask that girl out!!! 8)

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I would have made a joking crack about her being unprofessional and hitting on guys...maybe even offer to talk after work.


EDIT: Btw wlf, lighten up a little. Please don't rub your own unsuccessfulness and self pity on others. Hope is usually better than doubt.

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