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I am Asking because im planning to go NC with my Ex But i still want her back, she also told me that she wants me back. But she told me we need time to get over each other

If she's saying she wants bach with you, that sounds like she wants to be back with you, but what confuses me is why did she say ya'll "need time to get over each other? Did she just get out of a relationship with someone else that she still needs this time to clear the air?

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WELL, if you both get over each other, then you most likely wont want to be back together. but, if you take some time apart, and reconnect down the line {a few months or so} and see how the other feels, then maybe you will both realize you'd like to give it another shot, maybe one person, will be happier on their own (maybe you..), maybe one of you will have met someone new..... there is no definite answer to your question. so many things happen and come in and go out of your life that you can never know what will be in your life at that period of time...experiences change you, other people that make you feel change you (or your outlook on someone else)...ANYTHING is possible, getting back together is possible, but you both have to want the same thing at the same time. timing is everything, im learning that. it seems that things happen for some very precise reason at some very precise time, just to create something else that you'd never see coming. so before i go completely off topic, the answer is yes, but most likely no if you are OVER EACH OTHER.

Just take time to heal and reflect on yourself...and all will work out.

but, one question, why is it you broke up in the first place???

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Of course it's possible.

For instance, I am in the process of getting back together with my ex right now, but what i've realized is that you BOTH have to make some changes, or when you get back together, it will just fall apart again.


Think about the reason why you broke up.. Try and fix that.

Think about the things she said you would never be able to do.. Work on those.. Get fit, work out.. try to cover all your flaws and come off as irresistible to her.


At least set yourself up for another shot.

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Possible, but not guaranteed, and often the reasons you broke up in the first place reoccur unless they were addressed by both parties involved. Or if someone may find those feelings that led to breakup in first place come back.


There are people who do get back together, but of those only a small minority stay together.


Maybe her comment meant you both need time to heal, but it DOES seem rather odd that she would say before you get back together you need to be over one another - what's the point in doing so if you both want to be together to stay apart, or if you are over one another in getting back together? Something is fishy about that...either she has other prospects or is not really very sure yet.

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Well the reason why me and my Ex broke up was because, I expected everything to come to me and not willing to work hard enough at my job to make results happen. Im self employed with a financial company and i was just not doing the things i was supposed to do to become successful. she also said we had very different life goals. since the breakup i have bin working harder things are becomeing successful and i have bin changeing both my body and mind, i have started working out again and things i know they sound better but i still hurt every day about it. Everytime i wake up she is in my mind. I also found out she is seeing some other guy and they have a "friends with benifits package" which just makes me mad everyday knowing what they are doing. She called me on the phone and told me to come by her work because it was slow and she would like some company (she did tell me not come alone). But all my friends were busy at the time so i went alone. Maybe it was a foolish thing to go but i did, I just felt so sad to see her. anyway at the end of the night i told her i loved her and she said she loved me too. Im just so comfused right now, oh and buy the way this new guy she is seeing totally contradics all the reasons she broke up with me, i just don't get it

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dude stay away and don't talk to her, otherwise she will be hanging with that dude and keeping you on the back burner and it is already happening.

if you stay away she just may get to wonder that she has lost your forever and then she may start thinking.

IF that happens then you can think what to do.

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