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If she liked me, she would call me, right?

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We made plans the other night to do something sometime this week (we didn't know our work schedule at the time) and she said she would call on monday to set up a day. Well, monday rolls around...no call. And it's now tuesday and still no word. Did I miss something? When I said she could call me she seemed a bit skeptical, "are you sure, you won't get annoyed if I call?" or something along those lines, can't remember exactly what she said. I told her "nah, you can call me anytime you want"...and this would be the second time I've told her that. Possibly she is just busy, she does work alot.

When we're together it does feel as though we share a connection, she touches me alot and our eyes meet from time to time. She has told me before that I look good and said that I'm "muscular". However she is my friend and I don't know if she is just being friendly or what. I would like to take things further, but I don't want to ruin our friendship...it means alot to me. She's already invited me to a party that's a couple weeks away.

My question is, do you think I'm being impatient? Should I call her or just wait for her to? She rarely ever calls me. The only time we really hang out is if I call her....or our families get together. I don't think she knows I like her. I'm so lost and confused.


Well thanks to whoever reads my novel, any advice would be greatly appreciated

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she might be nervous. I bet you anything she is, I mean if she was askign you if you were sure it was ok for her to call I would say there is a 99% chance she is nervous seriously. My cousin got me a # of a guy I liked this last weekend and he knew it was for me so she keeps telling me to call and I can't cause im so nervous.

I think that's a problem these days with people. give her some time, or if you want to take some weight off her shoulders call her.

good luck.


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I think it's okay for u to give her a call, especially since you waited for her to call on monday and today. There could be a lot of reasons why she hasn't called yet. Sometimes things come up. From what you said, it sounds like she was nervous, like the other poster said because she wondered if it was ok to call u. Go ahead and give her a call if you want to tomorrow...if no answer, leave a message. If she likes you, she will answer or get back to you when she gets the message.

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Yeh as someone said she might just be nervous. I know how i am. I think oh no, and get to nervous to call, then the next day i get more nervous, because i am late calling, then after that it feels weird, then its to long to call...


I dunno, just call her and say hey see how shes doing and how work is, then mention be cool to go out, and see what she says.

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I feel like I'm the only one putting any effort into this. I'd like for her to call me more often so this doesn't seem so one-sided. What could I tell her next time to get her to call me more?...without seeming all bossy lol.

I get really nervous too, I'll be staring at the phone for like an hour trying to muster up some courage to dial her number. I'm pretty shy. What are some ways to show her that I like her? I've gone as far as buying dinner and other little things. But I don't want to just buy her stuff all the time, it'd seem too much like I'm trying to buy her attention.

Well, I'm going to call her today, wish me luck!

Thanks for your advice

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Well, he could be right Alwaysneedhelp, but I dunno.

So I called her today and she said she was sorry she didn't call me, she was sick/in the hospital. We talked for a few mintues, but then someone called her (call waiting) and she said she had to go. I didn't get a chance to ask her if she still wanted to hang out. And now I'm sitting here and I can't help but wonder who that other person was. ARGH! But I guess that's natural, eh? I dunno, what do you think I should do next?

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I didn't say she hates you, just not interested enough to call when she's suppose to, keep dates, call you out of the blue...How far do you really think you're going to get with a girl like this. And she blew you off on the phone again? Zero tolerance on this kind of stuff. If someone's suppose to call you and they don't, they get the axe.


Find someone who's as interested in you as you are in them.

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I don't think she necessarily blew him off...first she was in the hospital so it make sense that she wouldn't be making any phone calls and the second time she took another call...it could have been an important call. So far, I don't see any reason to write her off. She could just be a busy person and since there's no relationship at this point, one can't expect her to be investing that much into this thing yet. On the other hand, maybe she just wants to be friends. I'd say, give it a couple weeks and if nothing happens then assume she's not interested. A couple days isn't really enough to make a judgement about something like that...this could just be a really crazy few days for her, she might have a lot going on in her life.

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I've been doing alot of thinking and have come to a conclusion for this. I have given her plenty of chances in the past couple months, maybe too many. She seemed well enough yesterday to give me a call, but alas, she did not. I think if she were really interested in me she wouldn't leave me hanging like that. I'd much rather give my attention to someone who appreciates it. With that being said, I'm just going to back off. If we're really meant to be together, we will be in due time. I'm still going to be her friend and care for her, but my feelings for her are already starting to evaporate.

Now I feel much better after getting that out of my system, thanks for all your help.

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