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Communcation, her computer isn't working :o(

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Well, me and my g/f have been ironing out the problems we've had recently and we've been getting on okay, however we've come to a new problem, which is really no-ones fault.


This evening she told me her computer isnt working properly. Whenever she tries to get online she gets a 'cannot find server' page come up in IE. Her MSN messenger won't work because the computer thinks its offline. Shes tried various things, including taking the broadband lead out and plugging it back in again...etc and none of it seems to have worked (although shes still currently trying things as I type this) Her last resort would be to reinstall windows. I spent 45mins talking to her on the phone giving her different ideas and nothing was working.


However, if this doesnt work, how can we maintain communication? She lives in Liverpool and I live in Cornwall. I love her to bits and I really want this to work out even if her PC stops working. She said she won't break up with me, but i'm really cautious because she doesnt have credit for the next 2 weeks as she wont get paid until then, and i'm worried that if her PC don't work we will lack contact. I try to call her as much as possible but the phone bill is always a concern. Is there any ideas how we can maintain contact if her PC does stop working for good?


I really hope you guys can help me as this has got me feeling so down and I don't really want to lose my g/f


P.S I'd like to apologise for the poor spelling of communication, in the title.

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So she has high speed internet? If so, does she use a router? I find that sometimes my router does not let me connect to the internet. What I do is unplug the clip from my comp, then go turn off the main modem, then unplug the power from the router. Wait thirty seconds, then turn the main modem back on, then turn the router back on and plug the clip into the comp again. Then turn the comp back on(turn off the comp before doing this). Hope that helps.

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Yeah she has broadband! I am only on dialup so im not sure how it works. However she told me she tried taking the lead out of the computer (and turned the box off for a while) and put the lead back in, turned the box on and it still wouldn't work. Is that what you was referring to?

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Yeah, I was thinking of writting letters! Seems logical. So we could write letters, speak on the phone (though we're limited to that due to the phone bill) and text (but she hasnt got any credit until 2 weeks monday)


yeah I see what you mean, but I was just thinking, if we can't talk everyday, will it not cause alot of problems for us? I certainly hope it doesn't.

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If you have been recently sorting things out and talking near enough everyday the loss of the internet might be a good thing. It will allow you both to think about everything through on your own and clear your minds a bit and let things relax. Don't stress about it look on the positive side! Go hang out with your friends for a while. If she dumps you just cos she has lost her internet connection she isn't worth being with.

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Okay, I tried calling her but she didn't answer. I text her, but I think she might already be trying to reinstall windows. If that don't work i'll tell her to call NTL and see if they are having connection or network problems.


So her losing the net might be a blessing in disguise? How is that possible? We usually talk Monday - Friday in the evenings. We rarely talk on the weekends because she is out.


I miss her very much and this is only the first evening. I am just a little cautious that now we can't talk every night, she will eventually become distanced?

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No, i'm not pestering her. She doesn't understand much about computers and can only do things with my advice and guidance.


I wouldn't say I was overreacting to the situation. We are accustomed to talking each evening and I am just a little worried that as we will lack alot of contact now, she might end up looking for attention else where?

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hi Captain,

I dont think your overreacting at all. Even though to others i know it can sound a bit over the top. I can undertsand how u feel, as i was in a similar predicament just a few days ago, when i dropped my laptop..sounds silly, but i actually cried...as it is the main form of communication between myself and my BF who lives in a different country...i also had fears of our relationship going downhill due to possible lack of communication due to that mishap, but fortunately after a couple of days i got the laptop working again...so i undertsand what u are going through. I hope everything gets sorted REAL soon!

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I'm so glad that you understand how I feel! I think I got quite upset for the shear fact that nothings gone right for me over the last 2 weeks and to find out that her PC isnt working was just topping off a bad 2 weeks for me.


She miss called me last night (as she had no credit) and I called her back, she said her mother was about to reinstall windows. She said that we will be okay regardless to what happens. I got a text from her this afternoon (off of her bro's phone) saying that their PC still isnt working, but she told me that she will tell me what they are going to do when I phone her this evening.


I don't know if she has a local library, but I do know that she goes to a college course a few days each week and she may e-mail me from there if she gets the time to.


I wrote her a letter last night and sent it this morning, atleast to get the ball rolling on that form of communication.

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