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how to get his someone's attention

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Um, we'd need more details to know the best way to go. But the simplest thing is to start talking to him. Get to know him and be friendly. If the two of you get along well its more likely that you'll start doing things together, alone or with groups. Then you can see what happens.

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If you guys know each other (which I'm guessing you kinda do, cause you LIKE him, so it's not just a crush). And even if you don't know him that well, you just start with eye contact. Lots of it. Make sure he notices you're looking at him. Drop the hints, use the body language. Touch him, his hand whenever you talk to him. Get really close to him. He'll get the message (hopefully). Hopefully someone else will give you better info. Good luck and best wishes.

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...... how do i get his attention


erm....wear a short skirt and a low-cut top well thats one way!!!!


But seriously though, I'd do what the other guys gave said. Talking to him is the key.......even if it is only small talk. Start with "hello" and take it from there.........questions are essential, eg. "what are you doing tonight"....are you going on holiday etc"


But we need more info on your situatin with him to give more in-depth advice.

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By crush I take it that you don't know him or are just causual acquantiences who see each other around now and then? That's harder. What you would need to do is just be around him more and get to know him better. If you are just admiring from afar then it doesn't give him the chance to know you and become interested in you.

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Run past him wearing nothing but a red wig and a clown nose and shoes, juggling 3 cats and singing "We all live in a yellow submarine".


Just kidding.


Go up to him and say hello and start up a conversation. Pay him a compliment or introduce yourself and talk about something you know you have in common with him, like a class at school, or a movie you overheard him talking about, etc.

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After saying hello and starting a convo, just like everyone's said so far. It'd be a good idea, after a couple of conversations, to do what I said before:


And even if you don't know him that well, you just start with eye contact. Lots of it. Make sure he notices you're looking at him. Drop the hints, use the body language. Touch him, his hand whenever you talk to him. Get really close to him. He'll get the message (hopefully). Hopefully someone else will give you better info. Good luck and best wishes.


it's what I've read around these forums as body language tactics/whatever, lol.

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