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This is something i writ for someone special...a little too late


anyway...the poem:


Title: Every Puzzle Needs All The Pieces


There's so many things about you

So much I managed to lose

When luck was based on a four-leaf clover

And you were standing in my shoes

You took one step to look back at me

You gave me that extra chance

I walked you back into my life

To only give out a glance


Pushing you away with such a force

I denied what id already seen

What came to be a magic part of my life

I'd lie and forgot it had been


You'd offered me much more

Than I could ever ask

Its gives rise to the reason

Why I felt it would never last


Setting yourself up for a fall

Instead of standing graceful and tall

Leeds you only to a bend

A place with no escape – a dead end


You were crazy

And you were special

A real magic soul

As what I thought was a friendship had blossomed

Id let a barrier grow


My heart is weak

And emotions uncontrolled

I live every day

To not feel exposed


I didn't want to get close

So took that step back

Contradicted the move you'd made

Taking the wrong track


Words don't often speak enough

To tell others how you feel

Its odd to believe something's are false

And others are real


If you read this and wonder..

Why I've made it for you

You had an impact on my life

Which I never expected you too


I want my tea and my zoo

I want my hillbilly back

But most of all I want someone




(had to delete last line incase someone knew the person....respect for them, but it rhymed



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