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What does respecting yourself mean?

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"If you want others to respest you, you have to respect yourself first."


I hear this often, but what if you don't know how to respect yourself? How do you respect yourself? How do you speak and give opinions but not going too far that makes you self-centered?


I have a second problem: Is being kind always the good thing? But what if people take advantage of that? What should you do? Be not kind?


Sorry, I have a lot of questions. But I will be very glad if someone can help me.

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There are many ways to respect yourself. When people say something such as, "you have no self-respect" they mean that you either neglecting yourself mentally, physically, or both. An example of mental self disrespect would be saying things to yourself such as, "I'm such a loser, I never do anything right, and I'm not good at anything." Physical disrespect would include anything that causes harm to your body, such as smoking, becoming overweight, excessively drinking, etc.


In essense, lack of self respect is caused by lack of self-control. All humans need a sense of control in order to make good decisions. When you lose this sense of self-control, it causes anger. It could be anger with yourself and/or other people around you. This is why it's important to have self-respect - because it is directly linked to self-esteem. If you do not respect yourself, you can not love yourself and thereforeeee can not be psychologically balanced.

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If you want others to respest you, you have to respect yourself first."

That's a silly clique people use to simplify life. I have respected people who have no respect for themselves and seen plenty of people who have respect for themselves get disrespected.

If you want people to respect you you have to either connect with them or act confident enough to where you seem to respect yourself and don't constantly try to impress others.

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hey i must say i disagree with the last poster. i think this saying is very true. yes its a simplified version, but its true. respecting yourself means knowing yourself and maintaining personal boundaries. thats why you need to know yourself and you need to respect yourself otherwise you wont know what is respect form others. basically you need to know what you want for people to give it to you.

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self respect. gezz even i have problems with that one.

people talk about bounderies, borders etc. for me i think it is not so much about setting bounderies for someone else. it is setting bounderies for yourself.

Knowing what is important in your life and listing them down. Knowng that, ask yourself questions that will challenge what is important to you. You will quickly learn what is important to you and know what you won't compromise on, because it compromises your family or self worth.(let me tell give you a hint, NOTHING should be of greater value then YOUR SELF WORTH.)

Questions like will i sell myself to prosititution? will i let other abuse me? will i let my Bf talk down to me? etc

You will also learn that you may put certain bounderies on yourself so you don't cross it. That is called self control.

I think by knowing your self worth your self esteem will grow and then you will understand what self respect means.

There will be times that ppl challenge your self worth, you then have to step back and reasess and simply say YES or NO. That maybe the hard part, I think that if you can say, "no what you are asking from me is not what i agree with, sorry i would like to help but it is against my principles"

People will respect you more if you can stand up and say what you think and what you stand by.


my 2 cent worth

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Actually you can respect yourself but not understand yourself at all. And I am not sure what you mean by your own personal boundaries --yeah there are people out there who will cross boundaries whether you set them or not. There are also people out there who will respect you enough not to kick you even if you have a target on your spine that says "kick me" analogy of course. It's called personal integrity.

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If you want people to respect you you have to either connect with them or act confident enough to where you seem to respect yourself and don't constantly try to impress others.



Here it is the success=self-respect+self-confidence which means the less you care of others opinions of you the more you are content of yourself and the more you are in control of your life, then you are successful.


Failure=lack of self control +insecurity+ trying to impress others etc. can lead to failure which can hold you back.

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