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Could he be cheating with his ex

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My question is about my BF We've been together for 1.5 years and just recently we were out to lunch and he noticed he had a missed phone call on his cell phone and didn't recognize the phone number so he called it back, it happened to be his ex gf they had dated for about 3-4 months before we had gotten together anyways, she called to ask him to a bar-b-q and wanted to give him her new cell phone number. The thing is my bf got his new cell phone # a long time after he had broken up with this girl so I'm not sure how she had his number. so I was upset at lunch because I thought it was weird that she was calling him to hang out bc he said in the past that they had tried to be friends but it never worked out. So I questioned him about it and he said that she was going through a rough time right now and she needed some friends, he's never mentioned that he talks to his ex regularly or anything but he said that he had text her a few times on her old # and they talked on IM sometimes I'm wondering if my BF is cheating on me with his EX or if his Ex is trying to get him back.

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chill out, unless you have any solid reason as to him cheating it is wrong of you to accuse him of such behaviors. if you have insecurities you need to focus more on them b/c they will cause major problems in your relationship.


if youre paranoid, check this out:


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but be honest with your man and i have a feeling he'll be honest with you. just because hes talking to his ex gf doesnt mean he wants to be with her, (ask yourself: would you be this paranoid if she wasnt an EX, and instead a friend...?) and usually when 2 exs can talk to eachother and it be no big deal, its usually a clear sign that theyre both over eachother and can talk casually without any awkward feelings.



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I do feel like i'm being paranoid it's just that normally he'll call me at night to check in and see how I am so the past two nights I've called him and his cell phone was off so I left a message and then yesterday he called me during the day at work and I brought it up and he said he didn't get my message that he was at a friends house and he also said to call him last night which I did his phone was shut off again and I left a message and he never called me back I just find it strange.

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I do feel like i'm being paranoid it's just that normally he'll call me at night to check in and see how I am so the past two nights I've called him and his cell phone was off so I left a message and then yesterday he called me during the day at work and I brought it up and he said he didn't get my message that he was at a friends house and he also said to call him last night which I did his phone was shut off again and I left a message and he never called me back I just find it strange.


you can overanalyze your situation until you drive yourself insane....


....i suggest not doing it.



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Of course he COULD be cheating on you with his ex, just like he could be cheating on you with the hot girl from down the street. The point is that you dont have any evidence that he is doing anything. What it comes down to is trust, if you trust him then you shouldnt be paranoid.

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Seriously, don't drive yourself insane over this .

It'll make it seem worse and then you'll be even more suspicious.

Maybe she is really going through a rough time and needs some friends...

If one of your guy friends was going through ah ard time, you'd want to hang out with him and just be there for him right?

Not in a romantic way... just as friends.

So let him do the same...

If it gets out of hand... let him know.


Has he cheated in the past?



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You are very wise and perceptive you know that the timing of this phone call and this "NEW NUMBER" is off. Clearly he was in contact with this floosey while the two of you were dating. HOWEVER: This doesnt mean that he is trying to get back with her. when things between the two of you were new, perhaps he still wanted to keep in touch, a really stupid choice that can be over looked. (i would) however....if he took down her new number, i'd call him out on it asap. You have the leverage, you are his lady of 1.5 yrs..she was a simple few months...so he better get a grip. You need to not beat around the bush ...you must lay down the law ... BUT and its a big BUT..don't threaten him or make demands, simply state to him "Hey i dont like it, please let her go, i trust you and I don't want anyone coming in between us changing the good love we already have. I know you love me so I'm sure you wont have a problem nipping this in the bud for me, thanks babe (kiss)" and let that be said. He be less apt to do it if you come from a loving approach vs. a mean one. Good luck.

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