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what do i do? i have a friend... we've been friends off and on since 7th grade... every time we start to get close, she flips her lid and says that i'm not doing something right... this time it was that I wasn't calling her/including her in our "group" of friends. The thing is, she's awesome to hang out with one on one, but when you get her in a group of people she just gets annoying. I don't now if she trys to hard or what... but we just had a big fight because I was trying to tell her this without sounding too mean, but she takes EVERYTHING personally.... should I just not talk to her anymore? It's hard cuz we've been friends for so long, but none of my friends like her, so i get pulled back and forth... they think she's annoying, and she wants to be included!!! man... i thought we left this drama back in highschool.

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you are not obligated to include her in anything, how she manages to get invited to events is her responsibility...



on another note shorty, you really seem to have a lot of people in your life causing you distress maybe you should make some new friends.

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distress?? i've been a wreck the past couple months... alot of it is my own doing... i'm trying to get rid of her... i feel bad because she dosen't have too many friends (she ditched all of them after she moved in with her bf) but it's getting too tiring to try to please her... it's almost impossible... everything else has worked out now...

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You're trying to be her friend because you feel sorry for her? That's not healthy. Yeah, yeah.. a good friend is the one who stays there when everyone else goes away.. but one thing is to be a friend the other is to be a slave.


Be truthful to yourself in your relationships, that's my advice.

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