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rejected from jobs

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i've found out i was rejected from several jobs i applied for. i was feeling good about those jobs. i thought i did well at the interviews but go figure.


i am a little depressed and now feel like life will always be screwing me in the ass. i can feel my dreams slipping away.


these jobs weren't even very high level or anything, im a little down.


what should i do? sigh. i am sad.

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Green Jesus relax. I used to be the same way but it happens to EVERYBODY. Don't exam it. You will never know. And you are letting these rejections determine your own self-image. Think about it this way. What might be a good approach with a potential employer one day might be a bad one the next. Do you think it really tells you something about yourself? Maybe but probably not. Don't worry and keep going. Just think, for every job you get rejected from brings you statistically closer to the likelyhood that you will get what you want the next time. Besides, the more you practice and experience rejection, the more you learn.

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i've found out i was rejected from several jobs i applied for. i was feeling good about those jobs. i thought i did well at the interviews but go figure.


i am a little depressed and now feel like life will always be screwing me in the *beep*. i can feel my dreams slipping away.


these jobs weren't even very high level or anything, im a little down.


what should i do? sigh. i am sad.


I think you should go to a career counselor. You know, have a "mock interview" with someone, and they can give you feedback at the end. You may be making some huge mistake that you're not catching. If you don't want to go to a career counselor, maybe call up a friend whose opinion you trust and stage the mock interview, from start to finish.


Have someone look over your resume. What about your references? Maybe you have someone listed, but they're not saying good things about you.


Another thing... you can call the people who interviewed you and ask (nicely!) why specifically you were denied the job, because you'd like to fix that area. They may not answer, or they may have some insightful feedback. It may be nothing - perhaps you were good, but the person who interviewed after you was spectacular. Or, there could be some blemish you should know about. For example, some employers will even ask to see your credit report, because they want to know if you are a reliable person who isn't maxed out on their credit cards.


Good luck in the future!!!

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Don't take it personally. I know....easy to say, hard to do. Depending on the area you're in, there may be literally hundreds of people applying for even an entry-level position.


Try to put yourself in the interviewer's place for a minute. If you had 100 candidates for a job, how are you going to weed them out? One example might be limiting it to people who have done a similar job in the past. Look at it this way -- at least you got called for an interview, so you're doing something right to make it past the first cut. There are applicants who won't make it that far.


I worked with a career coach for about 6 months earlier this year. Kind of a mid-life, career crisis thing. But a lot of the things I learned about job search basics applies for any job seeker....not just someone considering a mid-life career change like I was.


Looking for a job is a numbers game. With each job you apply for, the odds of you landing one goes up. Are you networking? Most people find jobs by utlizing their contacts. This can mean anything from letting your friends, family members, etc. know you are looking and asking them to let you know about openings where they work, to seeking out people who are doing the kind of work you want to do and asking them for advice on how to get into that field.


Just keep plugging away at it, and apply for as many jobs (that you'd be intereste in) that you can. Eventually, you'll find one where it's a mutually beneficial fit.

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Dont get too downhearted, I have about 300 different job applications out (literally) and so far have received 2 call backs and didnt get either of them. It's just not easy to get a job, and don't let the people who were lucky enough to get the first thing they applied for tell you that getting a job is easy and it's you, because it's not.

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You need to get out there and start applying for more and more jobs!! Apply for hundreds of jobs if you need to. And remember these tips:


1. Find out as much about the company, organization as you can before you go to the interview. Find about the company's history and future, and where you will fit into its future growth. Make sure you tell the employer how YOU will be apart of this employer's future.


2. Know specifically what skills the employer is looking for, and how your previous education or experience relates to those skills. Make the connection.


3. Practice interviews for hours and hours and hours. For each job interview, you should give atleast 12 hours of interview practice.


4. Be optimistic.

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