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Feeling entitled and angry

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Hey question. I have been looking for a job that I really need for over a year and no body hired me. Is it normal to feel that I'm entitled in general? And to feel like The world sickens me and to feel that society is all out to get me like the greedy little pigs they are. I live day by having an extremely low low self esteem and often feel the need to damage myself And others. I get violent feelings towards society, and I feel like I hate people in general. Is it normal that I feel so isolated, lost, and distorted / cold towards the thought of society and people, this is one of the reasons I seem to act like im 'entitled' I don't do it on purpose it just comes out, not sure why. I also often get violent feelings towards babies, and pregnant women who feel the world revolves around their babies. Not sure why but it feels so good to cause those people somewhat pain, and all the materealistic ***ckers out there who r ruining the rest of the world out there. That really ticks me off too. Its as if everyone around me secretly doesn't care for my wellbeing. It's that kind of out of place feeling I often feel.

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Short answer to your question: Yes, perfectly normal. Tons of people out there who feel the same way.


Truth is, from my personal experience, it's always better to not have the mindset that people in general are against you specifically in any way. The main reason being ... well ... it's true! If you look around you every day, do you really think these people are against you in any way? Sure, we all have enemies, but hardly anyone is truly hated by the rest of the world. As for the materialistic people and other types that disturb you ... calm down and let them learn. I for one totally reject the materialistic lifestyle myself. To me it's basically temporarily filling in those voids within us with band-aids that will eventually wear off. So I can understand your frustration towards those type of people.


Try to remember that things happen for a reason. These people haven't decided out of the blue to think of their baby as the only important thing in the world or the materialistic world as being the true way of life. What people become is a product of several factors such as their childhood, other past experiences, family life, influence of friends and loved ones, environment, and so on. So from now on take a deep breath every time you see someone you totally dislike for whatever and say to yourself that he or she has become that way for a reason.


Best thing to do after this point is to find the right people for you in your life. Ignore the rest. Most of all, find peace within yourself and develop a positive attitude for yourself and life. And don't worry you'll eventually find a job. Just hang in there and keep trying. Cliche I know ... but it's true. I'm still looking myself ... but I have faith that I will eventually find something. So all is good.

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The only people who feel entitled to anything around here are women and their babies! Like... entitled to hog the footpath, entitled to let their spoilt brats annoy us in supermarkets, and entitled to push us off the sidewalk when they are coming with their prams.


Well, i for one, do not get a premium for looking out for women and their babies. If they want to bring these little brats into the world then they should take responsbility for them instead of behaving like we wanted to have them too.


There, i feel better now.


There is nothing wrong with you, it is THEM!

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I would have to disagree. Even if it is, what you feel should not be considered normal. What do you contribute to society? Does somebody depend on you, or is it vice versa? Society is not out to get you, I'm sure you are their last concern.


You say you feel entitled to a job, but whan can you offer a potential employer other than a high school diploma and a bad attitude--what do you have to show for the past year?


My advice: if you have trouble finding a job, volunteer somewhere--no-one will refuse your help, and once people see that you are a good worker, you will end up with much needed references, recommendations, and a better resume (of course you can omit the fact that you were not paid for the job). Depending on your field of interest, there are plenty of places that will be glad to accept a volunteer (corporate offices, research labs, hospitals, retirement homes, architecture bureaus, schools, charity organizations, universities, churches, etc.)

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Society does have its problems. people don't work together to help each other, its every man and woman for themselves. However, no one is out to get you, unfortunately most people dont really care about you as long as they can get on witht their lives. However, don't be angry at society or hate it. Anger and hate make you feel alot worse and you do get violent.


Unfortunately in this world people must rely on themselves and so cannot rely on others. However there is always someone you can rely on. Family and friends. They will always stand by your side, willing to help you any way they can.


Let go of your anger and hate, it will only make you feel worse about yourself. remember someone is always there for you. If you feel yuo need help, ask soemf riends or family for help.


Hope this helps and good luck.

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