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I think I might be messed up in the head NSFW

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I really enjoy watching my fiance watch porn. Like it's a turn on for him to watch it, get into it, talk about he would like to feel the actress bouncing on him etc.

It turns me on to know he is fantasizing about her while doing me.


I feel like something is seriously wrong with me.

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There are far more disturbing fetishes out there. Do not go looking for them, please spare yourself the trauma. 😒

Perhaps it would help to look at it from a different perspective. You want your partner to be happy, right? That's normal and natural. Watching and indulging in a fantasy makes him happy. Thus you enjoy this with him and making him happy. As long as you are both enjoying it and no one is harmed, its fine.

And you're not alone in this. The are even women who take it further and want the man to actually be with another woman. Being a "cuckqueen" is a whole genre of porn in itself. Likewise with males who like seeing their woman with another guy, There's probably somebody out there into anything you can think of.

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