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Going vegan (no animal products)

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hmmm are there any vegans in here????

well Im going vegan because I can't stand the thought of us eating animals anymore. It's sad to me. that doesn't mean I think badly of anyone who does eat meat, it's just not right for me. paul micatney said "if the walls of a slauter house were glass were glass everyone would be vegan (he may have said vegitarian lol)". and I have to agree.

anyways to my main "?" if anyone here is or knows anyone who is vegan then my main ? is well when you went vegan did you become healthier??? lose weight? have more energy anything like that?


and then do you have any good ideas for recipies and things to replace protien? I already know about soy beans and eat them all the time anyways.

well thanks.


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you should speak to a nutritionist before making such a dramatic change in your diet. ive known a lot of people that have gone vegan (in nyc its like 'the cool thing to do' lol) and they gained A LOT OF WEIGHT! your diet is going to consist primarily of Tofu and CARBS CARBS CARBS!


speak to a professional before converting over.


ps: hey aussie guy, youre A CUTIE!



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I was vegan for 5 years, and vegetarian for 3 years before that. Last year I ate a cheese pizza and everynow and then i eat some cheese, but for the most part im vegan. I never eat meat of any kind.


Yeah, i just feel sad to kill animals. Im glad you've made that choice if you feel that its right. I know for me it was like a weight off my shoulders.


I didnt loose weight or gain energy. It all depends on what ya eat. Ya might loose weight. When you are vegan you tend to eat less fast food so that helps. I have a feeling youll be getting enough protein. Watch your iorn. Just to be safe go to your doctor in a few months and have him check your iorn count in your blood. Ive been this way for a large part of my life so its all good, but making the transition is the most difficult part.


Man, so much to say as far as recipes go.


Corn Starch can work as an egg replacer.


If you find a cake mix without animal products and it calls for you to add eggs you can add a can of soda instead. (I promise it works)


If you like the taste of meat and can affoard it, some fake meat tastes really good. I buy morning star farms crumble, add a packet of taco seasoning and make tacos.


If you want to start cooking for real (as in not heating up frozen stuff) check these books out: link removed


Some recipes i dont like some i do. The serving sizes are huge so ya may have to cut it down. Cooking vegan is awesome because youll really learn how to use spices. With that said, at first ya might not do so well. Just keep at it and youll get it!!!


Oh man, Im not helping you out if you are trying to cut sweets outta your live too, but here are the best pancakes youll ever make:


1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour

1 and 1/2 tablespoons sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 cup soy milk (Vanilla flavor works here if ya like)

2 tablespoons vegetable oil.


My staples are chili, soy tacos, stir fry and rice, bean burritos, speghetti (sometimes with fake meat), and of course peanut butter and jelly.


Have fun with it. Eventually start cookin for people too. I find everyone enjoys getting cooked for (especially dates).


Also to my knowledge this is the vegan fast food stuff.

Burger king fries

B.K. veggie withought the bun (there is butter in the bun)

Taco Bell bean burrito minus cheese.

Pappa Johns pizza minus cheese


Im sure im leaving some good information out. Good luck with everything!! Be mindful of how being vegan is effecting you emotionally. I say this because in my youth i was definitely critizied a lot for not eating meat. Its a personal choice and everyone should respect it, just like you should respect everyone who eats meat. Its as simple as that. If it makes ya feel good - do it! And hopefully no one will give ya too much bs.

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hey guys, well thanks all of you so much. O and that pancack recipe is awesome. I don't usually eat a lot of sugar, becuase of my diabetis, but sometimes I want some really bad, and doesn't sound too bad for every once in a while.

thanks again.

love Qtpie87

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I lead a primarily vegetarian lifestyle, but on rare occasions I will eat meat. My reasons for going to this lifestyle are different from yours, but I do have to be careful of the protein as well.


I don't know how widely available it is where you are, but there is a rice dish that I love... here in Japan it's called sekihan. It is also referred to as red bean rice by some. This rice has a reddish/purplish color and contains a type of bean (kidney perhaps?). Anyway, it has a bit of protein in it and I try to eat it as much as possible, but you will certainly need more than just that. If you can find it in your area or make it, I would highly recommend it.


You might want to look into some Japanese recipes as well. A lot of their dishes contain fish or egg, but those can easily be substituted with tofu or other products. The dishes tend to contain a lot of veggies as well, so it can help with the weight management (as long as you are careful and don't go eating tempura all the time! )

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As with any diet you can manipulate the rules and will convince yourself that something is okay to eat when its actually not. A vegan diet can be healthy but you need to know about nutrition in order to make sure your body is getting what it needs. Your diet is a personal choice so you may consume what you wish but if you want your diet to be healthy then you are going to have to work at it.


My concern is that you are rationalizing your decision based on evidence presented by one of these "slaughter house" videos. You should know that this is a scare tactic in order to shock you into transforming your life to support a vegan diet. I dont agree with the tactics but your diet is your own concern. I have seen these "slaughter house" videos and have still chosen to eat meat, I have heard the philosophical, religious, intellectual arguments to support veganism. Its a personal choice like any other option people do need to be educated in what happens with the meat they consume. I would advise that everyone should see that video because of its educational value.

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