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Did I really screw this up or he just not interested , please help I need advice

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2 hours ago, Capricorn3 said:


It's time you cut your losses

I’m letting him be , I’m not texting him or bothering him , he didn’t answer even that it’s weekend and I know he is off and I’m not texting him to ask what’s going on , I just ignore him , there isn’t much I can do and I want to come off desperate and needy and really don’t vent know what to say to him at all . 

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53 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

wouldn't concern myself with how I "come off" to some unknown, online-only entity. They don't seem concerned about how they "come off" to you

Yeah you are right but it’s more like I will loose my dignity and i will be upset at my self even more  if I keep on texting someone that’s clearly doesn’t care about me, I will feel like stupid if I’m chasing behind him, that’s why I don’t double text him or even initiate conversation . 
Plus i chased people on the past when I was younger and I only felt humiliation and it didn’t go anywhere if anything I pushed them away more . Therefor I’m letting him be . 

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3 hours ago, Evami said:

I’m letting him be ...


Instead of letting him "be," I suggest you let him "go."  Remove him from your consciousness altogether, he's occupying way too much mental space, space he is not deserving of.

He is not interested in you, I'm sorry.  As such, it's best you delete him from your mind; tell yourself YOU are done and move on from whatever this was which to me sounds like a great big nothing burger.

I would also suggest blocking him so you don't get sucked back into his nonsense should he ever decide to contact you again. 

Get strong and tell yourself you're not going to bother with him anymore and definitely do NOT contact him when you're in his area in April.

Then get working on yourself to determine why you allowed yourself to become so invested in this.

I'm not against on-line interactions, I've had a few in my day, as long as there are no expectations and the interest is mutual.   And you continue living your life, meeting and dating other men.

Here, not only is/was the interest completely one-sided (yours) but you had way too many expectations and were too wrapped up in the fantasy of it.

Always keep it real @Evami.

If you're unable to become attracted to local men, there is a reason why and you'd be wise to find out what that reason is.

I highly doubt it has much, if anything, to do with the men you meet.

All the best moving forward. 😀


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2 hours ago, Evami said:

if I keep on texting someone that’s clearly doesn’t care about me,

So, you're aware that this individual doesn't care about you, and is not interested, so why do you still continue to interact with him whenever he throws a few breadcrumbs your way after a week or two? This is so confusing and doesn't make any sense (to me).  Rather than "let him be", simply close this chapter and move on with your life.  There's much more and much better out there.

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5 hours ago, Evami said:

He doesn’t have any Facebook or instagram

That you know of. 

He might not have even given you his real name, OP. And plenty of people have social media profiles under a nicnkame or some variation of their real name, for privacy reasons. That could well be the case here. Maybe he truly doesn't have an online presence (I barely do either, just an old FB account from the days of yore), or maybe he's simply not shared it with you. 

Either way, please shut this whole idea down. It's not good for you to be hung up on this dead-end situation. 

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