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Everything posted by Evami

  1. Yeah you are right but it’s more like I will loose my dignity and i will be upset at my self even more if I keep on texting someone that’s clearly doesn’t care about me, I will feel like stupid if I’m chasing behind him, that’s why I don’t double text him or even initiate conversation . Plus i chased people on the past when I was younger and I only felt humiliation and it didn’t go anywhere if anything I pushed them away more . Therefor I’m letting him be .
  2. I’m letting him be , I’m not texting him or bothering him , he didn’t answer even that it’s weekend and I know he is off and I’m not texting him to ask what’s going on , I just ignore him , there isn’t much I can do and I want to come off desperate and needy and really don’t vent know what to say to him at all .
  3. Yes of course , I mean I met on an app where he has more than 300 “ friends “ and those friends just like they are girls, or like your saying he could be in a relation . He doesn’t have any Facebook or instagram where in a check, we moved from the app to phone number .
  4. It’s not healthy at all , my anxiety disorder got really bad after I started investing in him this way and started to like him , I just want to go to therapy and be able to talk about this but not until Feb 1 st when my new insurance starts . i always had hard time with relations and feel like I’m never good enough for anyone regardless of how much effort I put . And it’s just another one of those times . Thank you for all the good advice
  5. Frankly, I'd just ignore him back Yes that’s what I’m doing , just let him be
  6. We agreed to meet when I travel for work to his town what is in the last week of April . and yes I m just making him at lot of excuses to why he doesn’t even answer . And I don’t know how to react to him ignoring me , I can’t text him and say why aren’t you answering me and why aren’t you texting me in time, it’s only going to make come out more pushy and desperate and it hurts my dignity and if I’m being honest I m not the most open up person and I have hard time being vulnerable even with people I know for a while ( bad past experiences ) and I don’t like to come off needy and desperate like that regardless of how much I like him, I don’t like to chase him so I just wait to he answers . I never told him that I like him and I’m not sure if he picked up on that through text since I always compliment not hat his looks but also his work and intelligence and we flirt but that’s all and I’m afraid it will totally scare him away . previously even when he takes time he still answers and sometime we talk and text back and forth for few hours in the day once or twice a week. I’m just letting him be and if nothing in few days or a week I will probably text him and see even that I’m not sure what to say , I don’t want another “ hi how are you “ , I think maybe I should be direct and ask him !! What do you all think
  7. I don’t know what else to do , initially he will text me with long texts and many details and then little by little that start to fade i thought not sending many text and double texting was a better approche , I didn’t want to come off too needy and pushy and scare him away , so I answer him and I wait for him to respond for me to text again . i did initiate conversation few times but mostly was him. And now he won’t even text when he is off like today . and for me to even tell him we need to face time or talk in the phone I need him at least to answer , i just don’t know what to text or what to tell him anymore. Ask him how is he doing or how was his day ? I already did that last time and he didn’t answer with one work all he did is sending a selfie!,I don’t know what to say , I feel like I missed up after that sarcastic text and maybe he is mad about it and I just I don’t know what’s going on in his life right now , I don’t find him connected even in the app where we met , rarely I see him on it and when i do usually just for like 5 or 10 min m, additionally that we aren’t even on the same time zone ( 3 h ) and don’t really know if he really has asperges and that may affect him , and I don’t want to come off desperate and push him even more away . So I just let him be
  8. Yea I have no interest in a virtual relation , I want to meet him in person. But I don’t think that will happen looking how he ignore even my texts even when it’s a weekend and I know he if off
  9. Yes I will ask him for face time latter , but right now I think I jus need to give him space, I answer his text and then he waited 24 h and send me a selfie with nothing else and I as if I can feel like he is angry or tired or just something different it makes a bit sad I don’t know what I did wrong except for that sarcastic text. and I know on the same app where we met he has more than 300 friends and all those friends I’m very sure are other girls . it could be just me feeling this but even that selfie is different then the other once and not even a word and I reply and still nothing . so I think best think to do is to give him space and stay away only answer if he text if not stay away yes I’m working through my last issue with a therapist , my new health insurance start Feb 1 at and I have appointment the week after . i don’t know what he wants really and why he isn’t dating locally and what are his real intentions .
  10. Initially I was talking to him just like anyone else he was a handsome man but they were many other more handsome guys on the same app , I even don’t really answer that much and stuff and then when we started talking more and more I found like a lot of his interested and opinions are so similar to mine even that I never told him I had those interred and in my profile I didn’t put any informations about my untested really . i like how funny he is. His opinions are very similar I enjoy talking to him about many things I don’t find a lot of men interested in .i like how I can talk about any topic with him ( at least at first ) as crazy as this sounds if I could chose what I tested a guy I date will have it will be all those, ans just in short period I learned many things from him . i had relations in the past where the person didn’t have any similar untested to me ans couldn’t talk about anything with them and I remember those day where I wished I had someone like this online guy to share all those things with .
  11. lol yes I declined politely , I didn’t give him any of my information all he really knew is my first name and the city I live in but nothing private at all . And right now what’s bothering me the most is his communication, I answer his text in like couple hours but again he won’t text untiL who know knows when maybe tomorrow maybe next week , with this completely broken communication is making meeting in person even harder .
  12. Yea I will make sure of that but even if we meet it won’t be for 5 months , for now I just want to keep in touch and keep conversation going but it’s just almost impossible when he takes days to answer a text , I can’t make a full conversation in depth about anything
  13. He told me he canceled going out with his friend couple times because they invited other people and he doesn’t like big gathering etc , he doesn’t party or travel very far away . he didn’t say is because of is his Asperger’s but since he mentioned that earlier on , I just connected the dots . And did some reading online and found out that is social disorder but I’m not sure to what extend that affects him , he works a lot and goes to the gym from what I understand .
  14. Yes for sure I will never meet someone I don’t know in a hotel room , I will make sure to meet in some cafe shop in the day time where there is a lot of people and I will make sure to chose the location as well . he only even mentioned his Asperger’s once when we first started talking .and he told me he wants to show me around his city and take me out to his favorite places … it will be very weird to ask someone you don know to meet in a hotel room no matter what condition he has that is not going to happen
  15. You are right , I will make sure to en a public place and make sure to keep my location shared with a family member I can’t imagine how devastating it will be if end up to be some personne other than how I think it is. But yes I need to be very careful , it’s true I know nothing about the person
  16. Yes that’s true I didn’t think of it like that , I just thought direct texts were better , I asked for his social accounts and he said he doesn’t have any and to be fair to him I too only have WhatsApp as I try to stay away from FC and never has tik tok or instagram . So I thought he just wasn’t into social media . as for seeing him in going to his city for a work trip, there for if he said he can’t meet I will just return home after work is done and he never asked me for anything and I won’t give anything even is he does . He actually offered to send me some sweets from his home city by mail ..
  17. Yes those things also worries me because true you can’t never know someone from what he types and that’s why I wanted to bring up his Asperger’s and see if he ever got that treated or does he do to any therapy or how does that affect him , he told me once about it and he said and I quote “ I’m stuck because of Asperger’s syndrome “ He told me couple times how he cancel Plans with friends because they invited more friends with them , and how he doesn’t like big gathering and parties , he doesn’t drink supposedly … I want to know to what extent that really affect him because he is supper intelligent when it comes to book conversations and science and philosophy and tech initially we use to talk about these things and he even recommended me some books so got and he has exceptional vocabulary skills so why is he stuck , I don’t get it
  18. Yes I understand that , especially that I my self have PTSD and anxiety (from a sudden lost of a parent when I was young ) so it’s very sensitive , but he brought it and told me when we first started talking , he exactly told me and I quote ( I m stuck because of asperges ) at the time I didn’t fellow with any questions because it was very earlier when we started talking but now I want to know more what he means by stuck and how much that is really affecting him and communication etc but true it’s not my place to ask , and he is barely interested enough to send a text that take 20 second let alone get to know me .
  19. I’m not sure, I never tried , he send me videos of him playing sports but that all . And he told I was the first one to send video of him playing and he never let anyone film him before !!!
  20. Yes true , I thought of that multiple times, I tried looking him up but I couldn’t find much since he isn’t in any social accounts. We never did a video call. He send me picture and selfies in different location and times and I do the same but that all , we moved from the app to phone number , he send me pictures of his work and things like that , buys that all . Thank you it’s true I need to be careful a and you are right as much as this hurts he isn’t into me as much as I’m into him, initially he will text me a lot and many details about his life but now is very broken communication
  21. You are very welcome , thank you for the advice . do you guys think his Asperger’s syndrome affects the communication, he told me he doesn’t like big gathering and doesn’t go out too much or party. And not on any social media such as Facebook or instagram . I just never had a relation with someone with Asperger’s ( I did babysite a fiends enfant with Autism but that’s all . )
  22. Sorry , I went out on a date about coupe weeks ago with a guy one of my coworker introduced to me in person , he was really sweet and we talked for a while but right after I left the caffe shop where we had the date , the first thing I did was checking my text to see if the guy I met online texted me and all I think I can of is him . its been so very long since I found a men this interesting and intriguing 😕
  23. Yes sometimes I feel the same, just keeping in touch couple times weeks . yeah I went in a date like couple weeks ago in person but I didn’t like and as soon as I left dirtiest things I did checking my texts for him I’m going to be carful and proceed with caution , this is the first time I met someone online and I’m so into them .
  24. I live in a big city where I meet many guys and I also met guys in the l same app where I met him. But he is the only one I’m interested in .
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