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question about the pill?

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Check out the NuvaRing...it uses the same medicine, but since it is only delivered vaginally, there are very few if any side effects, and you don`t even have to keep the ring in while having sex!! I was in the clinical trial and ended up thinking this was the BEST form of birth control EVER...super-effective, clean, easy as pie!! The doctor in charge said that everyone was begging to get signed up for the followup trial because they couldn`t bear to give up the ring.

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That is way cool Jenifer--I never heard of NuvaRing before and looked it up. It sounds so much easier than taking the pill every day!!

Madylee, it is really up to you and what your body can handle. I was taking one type of birth control pills and it gave me severe migraines. My doctor put me on a mini-pill that contains one hormone (progestin) instead of two hormones that other pills contain. Some pills require you to take them every day at the same time, while others dont require such strict control. Definitely talk to the doctor. There may be new pills out that are more compatible with your system.

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Personally I have seen research that it takes up to 2 weeks before you can begin having unprotected sex if you are taking the pill. I have also heard it can take a month (but I never substantiated this claim) the best thing to do is to talk to your doctor about it and get some professional advice.

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It is best to talk to doctor as depending on your body weight, medical history, different options will be better for you than others.


Having said that, I have been on Ortho Tri Cyclen for 10+ years and really like it. Have not had an issue with remembering to take it (really, just take it while you do another regular habit like brushing teeth every night).


Some pills are trickier to take then others - the mini pills (progesterone only) for example MUST be taken at same time everyday as they are more likely to fail if you miss one, the dual hormones you have a little more leeway (if you are off a couple hours you will be alright, ideally take at same time but its not terrible if you don't).


All pills/hormones will have some side effects - both positive and negative. Generally once your body adapts more negative ones (like headaches and moodiness) will balance out and go away, but talk to doctor about it all

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Raykay, I wish the side effects of Ortho Tri Cyclen went away for me. I was on it for a year and I had severe migraines, which never went away as time went on. I was convinced my headaches were because of low blood sugar, but then once I stopped taking that pill it went away. My GYN actually pulled me off the pill because one of the two hormones actually is connected to producing strokes in patients, and I was referred to a Neurologist to make sure my headaches weren't signs of an upcoming stroke. I was put on the one-hormone mini-pill and have no headaches at all now. But you are right. The mini-pill is hard to take---You have to take it every day at the same time (or within two hours of that time). I goofed on the first two packs I tried, and had to use condoms for the rest of those months.

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I've been on Microgynon 30 a dual hormone pill for 4 months now, i've been pretty good with it and haven't had any noticeable side effects.


It is meant to be taken at the same time each day, though if you forget and take it within 12 hours you are safe. If don't remember within the 12 hours it is advised that use other type of contraception e.g. condoms for a week. I'm sometimes rather forgetful so have started using my mobile phone alarm to remind me when to take my pill.


It is said to be 99% effective as long as its used properly so i think its a good choice of contraception as long as your not completely forgetful. Maybe if you are very forgetful the contraceptive injection could be a better idea.


Discuss going on the pill with your doctor as depending upon your medical health, e.g. if you have high blood pressure or smoke, it may not be suitable for you. Remember the first contraceptive pill you try may not be the best for you and cause you to have unwanted side effects, not to worry as there are tonnes of different brands made by different companies with slightly different compositions of hormones and you will eventualy hit upon one which works without these.


The time my pill (Microgynon 30) says to take effect is 7 days if you start taking it at anytime during your menstrual cycle. However if you begin taking it on the first day of bleeding you are protected immediately. However for each pill this is different and you should check with your doctor and read the leaflet that the pill comes with to find out about the particular one you are taking.


Oh yeah another plus about using the pill is that you can adjust when you have your periods, so no more going on holiday worrying about your period! On top of that i've found that really have helped with period pains which is a great relief, seeing as i used to keel over in pain and lie in bed with them.


I hope all that was helpful

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