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Wife is not interested in sex

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On 1/30/2023 at 3:55 PM, Tiddytok5 said:

She doesn't owe you sex nor are you entitled to it from her. 


Nor is she entitled to sex from you.


Respect her. Don't pressure her.


Sexual incompatible relationships don't genuinely work out.

If you can't handle a relationship without sex, or less sex...


I disagree with you on one level here.   While I agree that sexual incompatibility doesn't work and while I agree that sex should ALWAYS be consensual (even within a marriage)- I DO think that if you marry someone as a sexually-typical adult, you should be able to expect (unless you've agreed together otherwise)- that you will at least occasionally have sex with your partner.  Again unless it's your pre-martial agreement to be chaste, a relationship without sex is called friendship- not marriage.  It's not unreasonable on his part to want to have sex with his wife from time to time.  If one party's feelings about sex change, it's important to either address it and come to an agreement or to separate.  So technically speaking, you DO owe your spouse sex, if you've married each other (and expect them to be faithful to you) with the expectation that you will act as a fully married couple that has marital intimacy.  And if your feelings about that have changed, You DO owe it to your spouse to explain why and either fix it together or divorce if you don't think you can. 

It's unreasonable of his wife to think she can yield sex as a weapon against him- and yes, consistently refusing or saying things like " I don't care about sex" or " I'll just lay there" IS using sex as a weapon.  Which is manipulative and wrong of her.  If she doesn't want to have sex with him again or she finds she can't trust him to the point of not ever wanting sex, then she needs to either work it out through counseling or else leave him.  But it's unfair of her to do what's she's doing and then complain about it to her mom. 

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