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I meet this guy at his work place we started talking about everything right away. 2 weeks later he asked for my phone number. we eventually spent hours on the phone. We when out a few time and we kissed, well you know what that leads to SEX, which should not have happened and each time we when out he would say let us go for a chill by the beach of course it is near to midnight.

After this he is saying that he just wants us to be friends and friends are not intamate with each other but they can give a kiss on the cheek. Now we when out a time and he starts dancing with this other girl and I out anger with is shouldn't have thereforeeeeee he tell me that is am acting weared and confessed. Now we don't even talk on the phone anymore but i will still call to say hello and he always say that he is doning to call me back which he does.

But we don't talk as frequentl, and because i am busy right now, he ask when will I have free time and i say in the next 2 weeks. Giving me the impression that we most likely will go out in the next two weeks.

What I want to know if this guy likes/liked me or not and if you think we still have a chance at beening together because i can't tell what is really wants a girlfriend which is says no to or a friend. Please give your opinion.

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Hello Optimistic Person


First I would like to say, that Kissing doesnt HAVE to lead to sex, unless you let it. I am not saying you had sex to soon.


So lets see if I have this right:


1) He comes on real strong, romantic, sweet talk etc. but as soon as he gets you in sack, he backs off.


2)Everytime you go out, he wanted to make out with you on the beach even if it was near midnight.


3) So when the first time you resisted or voiced any disagrement to him, now he only wants to be friends.


4) And as a "friend" he starts flirting right away with other girls in front of you!.


Let me translate for you, He is a selfish man, and what he is saying is, "If you dont do things my way, then Ill just find someone else"


Actions speak louder than words. if you ask me the guys a real p@#k. but thats just my opinion. Dont let him manipulate you like that, you stick up for what feels "right" for you. Look for a guy that will respect your wishes, and treat you good, even after having sex with you.


And Dont ever make the mistake of thinking your going to "change" this guy, he is what he is, period!.

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thank you very much gilgamesh. About being selfish a few actions that took place gave me that idea. and before sex it was he said that I am acting like he is a rapeist because I was not ready or I did not feel like havind sex at that time. Thank you every one that replied to my problem and I will be greatful if I ad some more opinions. Thank You.

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