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don't know how to get in a relationship. plz help (esp. guys

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Okay...there is this guy that I REALLY REALLY like (ya I know...cliche...but please keep reading and offer advice!). He's about 2 years older than me and best friends with my older cousin. I havn't really talked to him much, but from what I have talked to him about/noticed, we have a lot in common. We like the same music, we do the same stuff, etc. I really want something to happen between us (that may sound stupid...I just want to really ya know talk to him and get to know him...) , but I don't know how to spark a relationship. I have no clue if he likes me or not. I just don't know how to talk to him and I'm really afraid that he'll think I'm just some little kid and won't take me seriously or something. I guess I really want to know how to approach a guy and what seems dorky to you guys and how guys like to be approached. Please help!!!

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As a man myself, men like it when the woman knows she's hot (confidence). It implies that spending time with her will be exciting. It really depends on what you want. If you just want a hot short term experience be a bitch and imply that you're a good time. If you want a long term relationship, relax, be fun and easy going.


It might take some time but eventually he'll see you as fun to be around and what's cooler than hanging out with someone who's fun *and* the opposite sex. That's gold!

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