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i think im in the just friends stage

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how do i get out of it?


basically i like this girl but i think im in the just friends stage


she talks to me about her problems and has said she values my opinion, plus she flirts with me because i think she thinks it safe to flirt with me!


when eva i ask her out outside of college she doesnt seem keen


basically how do i get out of the just friends stage and make her see me as more than just a friend and make her want to hang out with me outside of college!




p.s this is my previous topic about her.....


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maybe you should just value her friednship mmore and see how things go. on the other hand dude you can just ask her straight if she see's you asmore and have a go, but even if she doesn't VALUE her friendship. I would ask her straight but be careful not to come to harsh (like dont make out your in ove with her or nowt) let us know how it goes....

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yeh i asked her out and she said "sorry but id have to say no" so i said good job i was joking then! which i was kinda at the time but i also thought it would be a good way to see how she felt


since then shes flirted with me more and got closer to me more!


but i know if i properly said to her i liked her and she didnt like me back it wuld ruin the frienship that i like having with her - reason i know this is coz its happened in the past (shes told me about guys who have said they like her and then she trys to avoid them - one of them is a mate of mine who has told me after telling her he likes her that they havent spoken since)


plus my best mate is her best mate aswell and he thinks he is in love with her!


its so confusing and awkard! i wanna be with her but doing that would annoy my mate!


so if i should just move on how do i do it - ive tried doing it for last few months coz ive known that liking her will piss my mate off!

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really you have gave me the impression she doesn't like you in that way. I just say, be her friend and donæt get the wrong impressions when she flirts with you, she's clearly just having fun with you.


Sorry if that hurt you, but that is strictly my own opinion. Look for other girls, how old are you?

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im 18 and i totally agree with u, i dont thinks she intrested and i thinks she just having fun and i like that and can accept that and i want to be her friend and carry on having the fun!


its just that ive known that for a while and its just difficult to think about other girls coz something keeps dragging me back to this other girl!


suppose its something to do with wanting what you cant have!


how do i move on!? and think of her as just friends?

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Just look at other girls and get some other girls that are interested in you, don't chase one that only see's you as a friend. When I was 18 I didn't give a monkeys about 1 girl, I slapped on a condom and went round emptying my balls on lots of girls. The world is a weird and wonderful place with plenty of pus sy for every1. Don't worry kidda - just leave this girl alone, you never know in time she might come forward but i doubt it... so look for other girls you are still young to worry about 1 girl.

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your right mate, i spoke to her today on msn and basically she said she was working all week! so i kinda thought ok dont worry, but i also owe her a fiver and told her if she wanted it she could meet me this week and get it off me, but she was like "no dont worry about it"


im over her now im moving on, i know she likes attention from guys so maybe she will get a little jelous of me chasing another girl and will start liking me and hanging out but even if she does i really cant be bothered with her!


her friend is fit and im gonna go after her even if she does have a bf lol!


cheers guys!

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