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Hey all, through my short life so far I thought i had seen and heard most of what is out there to do with regards to things that can go wrong with girls, but I have a new one. Let me explain, I am in my senior year of school and asked my best friend to the formal and she was like hell yeah, then she changed she began tip-toeing around me so i asked her what was wrong and she told me there was a lot going on in her life and she just needed space so i gave it to her, i refrained from calling her or asking her out and all appeared good.


About a month ago though she chucks a major fit at me and says thatI just dont get it and just to leave her alone, to make matters worse she accuses me of being a stalker even though the times she said i was stalking her i was at work or in another country. So after this I was ofcourse a little upset but moved on. I figured considering that she would not talk to me, respond to any messages, answer her phone or return my emails she wanted nothing more to do with me, so i asked another one of my friends to the formal and she agreed to go.


The last part of my story is the most disturbing apart from the stalker accusation. Earlier tongiht I got a message from my original formal date telling me that she had bought her formal dress and I was speechless. I already knew she had been saying some unpleasant things about me behind my back so I decided to stay faithful to my new partner and rang my first date. She said she that she knew she said she just wanted me to stay out of her life forever but she didnt mean it.


My question is how was I meant to know that she "didnt mean" it is she never answered my phone calls or would talk to me? The fact that she is saying i am a stalker and generally has treated me so poorly for the past two months doesnt reflect that she still would want to spend an entire evening with me, did i do the right thing by keeping my second date or have i just screwed everything up?



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I think that accusing you of being a stalker is fairly clear that she didn't want you talking to her. Saying 'stay out of my life' would seem to me to encompass taking her to the formal.


My guess is that she hasn't found anyone else to take her and is using you as the fall back. Just tell her she shouldn't say things she doesn't mean and that it is now too late to change her mind.

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You haven't done anything wrong in assuming that she wouldn't want to go to the formal with you. I would stay away from her from now on - calling you a stalker is really not something that someone should do, friend or not. If she wants to apologise or put things right then let her approach you about it, not the other way around.

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I say, if someone accuses you of being a stalker and acts like a complete jerk to make you not bother her-- she's not worth your time nor respect -- clearly she does not respect you.


And even if she says she didn't mean what she said-- she DID say them and they DID hurt you and you have EVERY right to take someone else.


Just my two cents.

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