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No contact with my soon to be ex


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Why is it that he is the one who cheated on me with a 1 night stand and moved in together after they were caught the 2nd time while intoxicated. The first time he begged me to forgive him and went to counseling and changed his number. After 1 month no contact once again he got severely intoxicated and again she picked him up. They don’t have a place to go so are staying at a friends house. Now she is going through her divorce and he hasn’t contacted me.

I tried to contact him but he has me blocked and I need to get some things to him. 
it’s been 14 days and no contact. he hasn’t even contacted his family who is close to him nor close friends. We know he is drinking quite a bit because he owed a local store about $500 in liquor. 
I’m just so upset about how he did this to me again. 

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Same answer I gave in your previous two threads. He's an addict and addicts care about nothing but their drug of choice.

Instead of trying to get him to see you so you can ask him to come back (which, be honest, is the real reason you keep trying to contact him) how about you look into counseling for you and your children? He's an addict but you seem to be addicted to him. It's time to break that unhealthy attachment and do what's best for you and your children.

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I know, it all hurts.. a lot 😞 

But, he is no good for you anymore.  He pulled away & cheated on you.. then did it again!

This is where YOU be strong and say enough!

He is a messed up individual and obviously doesn't care enough... then he doesn't deserve you!

As in being strong, means you do not reach out anymore.. so No Contact.  You just fight that urge, every day.

And you work through all of these emotions, the anger, the pains, etc until you can come to 'accept' it all. I find journaling helps.  Get it out by writing all you want to say.

Believe me, in the end, you will come to see why it never worked & be thankful it is not your problem anymore.. People like this are very difficult and as I remember... they are 'married to the bottle'..type thing.

So, be kind to yourself and give yourself time to work through all of this.  May not be easy for a while but is necessary for YOU.


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7 hours ago, Jenn2190 said:

I tried to contact him but he has me blocked and I need to get some things to him. 

Are you in the marital home? All you need to get to him are the divorce papers. Your attorney will handle that.

Keep in mind the longer you stall the more debt he incurs, you'll be legally responsible for.

Stop chasing him. Stop contacting his people. Contact an attorney and only go through that.

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Sounds like you posted on another site...that your partner has done this sort of thing before...now he's fallen off the wagon once again. He's running away from his issues....was there a death in the family too?

Oh ya he was such a sweet guy...when he wasn't a raging alcoholic. The advice is going to be the same. You are best to divorce him and move on. Some people can do sobriety, some can't. You can't make him quit. Only he can make that decision. Not worth putting yourself and family through this anymore.

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