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Im new. Please reply. long. Is my mother being fair?

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Whats up? I am new. Now Im not too sure if this is in the right spot but I need help. You see, Im going to be moving in a few months. Now in the beginning my mom said that I didn't have to move if I don't want to. Since she wanted to be closer to the family. Well, I don't really care about them and I didn't know that the entire "you don't have to move if you don't want to" thing had a one day expiration date. My family is annoying, obnoxious, and mean. Where I am living now is my home, now and forever. I don't want to move and my mom is trying to manipulate and blackball me into going. She says she is trying to comprimise but I haven't heard her say anything but insults to my friends, who I consider more of a family than my own blood. She apparently doesn't know the meaning of comprimise. I've comprimised by saying if I want to move back a year after we move we will move back. She angrily said no. My question, is she being completely fair?


Sorry this was so long. All replies are appreciated.

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Ahh mother and daughter conflict. Well im never been a mother nor have I been a daughter but I believe she isn't being to fair. Well honestly it depends on your age. Sounds to me your mom is being a little selfish and doesn't really want to see your side of the situation. But then again maybe you can look at it in a way that your mother is trying to be a good mom and wants to have you around in the new environment. Depending on your age, which im not aware of, you need to make the right decision for you but keep in mind that your mother has her differences because she wants the best for you.


*Edited* - I just saw that you are 15, clearly you have to say your mom has alot more years in her lifetime more than you do. Remember that she knows probably ALOT more then you do. Just think, she was 15 years old before too. I'm also sure you mom knows what is best for you. Maybe you should listen to your mom and understand that she cares for you and wants to have you around.

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I probably say this a lot, but have you tried to see things through your mother's eyes? She wants you to be happy, to grow up in a family environment. Yeah, a lot of us have crazy families (especially on this site) so I understand it will be difficult, but you'll be an adult in 3 years.


As for your depression, I know it's hard. Family members don't ever seem to take teens seriously. They say,"It's just your age- SNAP OUT OF IT!" Which is harsh and hurtful and a completely ignorant thing to say. Some family members even treat adults suffering from depression this way. But since you're now not as fragile as you were, you can forgive.


And do you have a backup plan in case the wrestling thing doesn't work out? Maybe you could work on a college degree as well?

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If you didn't move with your mom, where would you live? with your dad? and the whole my friends treat me better than my blood bit is a little over the top. your blodd has provided you shelter, clothing, food, etc etc etc, I'd like to see any of your friends do that and still stay peachy keen to you and tell you whatever you want to hear.

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