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I'm not sure if my crush likes me back

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I've met this boy, lets call him Dylan, around a year ago through a mutual friend. Dylan usually stares at me and smiles, whenever I catch him staring he doesn't look away which confuses me at times. I go to the pool occasionally and Dylan is usually there. Whenever he swims, he usually does these impressive stunts and I'm conflicted as to whether it's normal or if he's doing it intentionally. Whenever I sit somewhere, he sits closer to me. 

I have to admit, I have this stoic, apathetic personality because I'm shy around him that makes me look like idgaf about anything.

Do you think I should stare back and smile next time I see him? If in the case he does like me, he seems shy and I'm shy as well. I honestly don't know how to go about the whole thing, also if it helps I just talked to him once and he said that I have a really soft and quiet voice ^^


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1 hour ago, IntrovertedLover said:

I have this stoic, apathetic personality because I'm shy around him that makes me look like idgaf about anything.

Yes. Learn appropriate social skills. Stop stalking staring or acting creepy.

Smile and be polite and friendly to people. Don't be stuck up or snobby.


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