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It has been a month since my break up. The last 30 somewhat days were the most painful and difficult period I have been through so far. And STARTING FROM TODAY, I am driven and determined to detach myself from the past.


I have shared my situation on the forum. My girlfriend fell into the arms of her ex after spending 2 yrs with me. Thanks to many dear friends on here, I have learned that I was just a rebound guy for her. In fact, she did try to get back with him when I was away on a trip couple months after we started. However, maybe that didn't work out for her and I opened up my door for her again. But at the end she chooses to walk out of that door again.


She wanted to give herself a second chance to be with her ex. They have been together for 7 yrs, which they grew up together and shared so many moments. I completely felt agony and betrayed. Every sentence came from her felt like cuts after cuts to my heart. My tears rush out like my blood draining from my heart.


'SORRY' - a word that I ever imagine can be this powerful. She said it in the most sincere and apologetic way, an attempt to brush off what has happened and what is in front of us. With this five-letter word, I would have to expect myself to store all my feelings in the darkest corner of my brain, wash away the tears on my face and put together the broken pieces of my heart.


It is difficult and painful to move on when she insists to keep you as her friend. When she acts in a way to give you the slimmest chance of hope. I had my moments of relapse, and I had my burst of determination to win her back. But when I think of what she had said and done, the reality check is front and centre. What and how she feels about me I do not question. I know my feelings for her are still vivid and strong. They are all meaningful, but yet irrelevant to her.


STARTING FROM TODAY...my attention is not on her. I had done my soul-searching and reviewed my positives and shortcomings. I need to move on and I have to be ready for the future. Do not give up the forest because of that one tree. I want to share this with all the heart-broken friends out there, who have been struggling, drowning and losing your soul. Friends out there who have dropped to the bottom of the well. Good friends would build the latter for you, but it is you to find your way up and see the light again.


Mr. Sub

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Yes it hurts, and you feel deceive and betrayed but at least you can get up when you fall. She's moving on, so why should your world stop, we fall down and we get back up...you will find that one person that does deserves your love!!


Eventually you will get over her but that shouldn't put a stop in your goals, everyday will become a bit easier you'll see...take care, all is not lost, in fact her lost and someone's else gain!!!

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