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Not Even If I Could.................be your friend

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i didnt want 2 be her friend ....but i had 2 be for her ........we were alll best friends ..sorta........shes always ditching me and starting fights...i couldnt pretend any more i had 2 ditch not only my best friend but her 2! she ruins everything .i like my enimes more than her! what am i supposed 2 do? i dont wanna give up my best friend....

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explain to her that your her friend but she has to make an effort if she wants to continue a friendship.


Tell her that she does things that spoils things for the rest of you and that she needs calm down. If she's starting fights, or avoiding you then possibly you could dump her and make other friends.



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Hi there At your age, friendships are tough. If I understand right, you are best friends with one girl and the other girl is friends with your best friend and is always around? But you don't like her because she's not a nice person? Let me know if I got that right...


My suggestion would be talk to your best friend. Be honest that you don't like what the other girl does, says or whatever. And then plan time with your best-friend alone, without the other girl so that you don't have to lose her as a friend and if she is a true friend she will understand! Good Luck!

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