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Will my problem ever end ? ( Breaking news !!!!!!! )

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ahh i got so tired saying i love her, and iam not sure about her feelings and stuff... So will this problem ever end.. icant go and tell her.. iam afraid i get embaressed if she said no or something.. i wanna know without she knows that i like her.. like i know she likes me without she knows my feelings lol ..


Actually our relation is developing ,we talk to eachother more. She also seems more interested but still iam never sure, not even close. Yeah iam big idiot when come to the love stuff.. so should i just stay like this wondering and hoping that time would reveal anything ? wait 4 years when we graduate and propose to her ? will it ever have an end ? and please dont ever tell me to ask her ok ? i will never do that..

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i feel confrontation is the only way to solve a problem like this


if you can't tell her how you feel, you can't expect her to just know


maybe over time she will develope stronger feelingz towardz you.. but in order to know where you are going and if you are wasting your time. You would have to confront her.


It will have an end.. eventually if you keep this up


either she'll feel the same way or she won't


what are you scared of?


why can't you confront her and explain your feelings?


she may find someone else if you don't tell her


the worst thing that can happen is that she will not feel the same way


but even then you will have some sort of closure and be able to move on


or she may feel the same way and yous can take it from there,






All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon sand.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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well i think she knows that i like her already. i did alot of signs to her.. 90 % that she knows.. I always try to talk to her, got her email from a friend and just tried to talk to her. i asked her am being obvious ? she said : in what ? then she said ohh ok i understand lol


Anyways i think she knows, what should i expect from her if she likes me back ?

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I shouldn't speculate but if you like her and she likes you.. whats to stop yous taking it from there relationship wise?

She is single rite? lol







Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.

Oscar Wilde

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I have a question...you 'love' her? Yet you aren't even with her....I dont think that's possible. And wait...you said...


Yeah iam big idiot when come to the love stuff.. so should i just stay like this wondering and hoping that time would reveal anything ? wait 4 years when we graduate and propose to her ? will it ever have an end ? and please dont ever tell me to ask her ok ? i will never do that..


Wait four years....to propose...what are you talking about???? I'm trying to figure out, maybe you have another story I haven't read....you're talking about marriage with a girl you're just friends with and you're not even sure if she likes you? Please explain..or give me a little story, if you really like this girl....you're going to screw it up from what I can tell unless there's some story I don't know about...

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this girl is with me in college. we are friends but not close ones. i like her and i dont know here feelings ! As i said i dont want to get embaressed so i just try to talk to her and see how she reacts.. the main aim is to marry her, i dont like this kind of just a boy friend and stuff like that...


I want to let her know my feelings and i know her feelings.. When we know the feelings for each other then we would stay like close friends till we graduate and get married ? is that enought ?

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Okay man...I really really hope you're not serious on this...if you are, you need more than just advice on this site...b/c you're looking for a HUUUUGE disappointment if you think you're just goin to marry some girl ....let alone the fact that you've never asked her out...and aren't great friends....and dont want to be a b/f-g/f. How could you expect some girl to marry you and you've never even had a date with her....what country are you from?..there must be something cultural here I dont understand...because there's something that doesn't make sense with all this...still.

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no i didnt mean without a date.. ok i think i wrote it in the wrong way.. we could have a date and everything but i just wanted to say the main thing is to marry her not just hang with her.


I dont know how to beging with her, i will ask for her phone number on msn next time.. but iam never sure how she feels

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I dont know how to beging with her, i will ask for her phone number on msn next time.. but iam never sure how she feels


Always, You're making your crush on this girl much more painful than it has to be. Instead of worrying about marriage, you should be focusing on how many different ways you can show this girl you like her. Surprise her! Romance her! Make her laugh! If you take care of the small things (flirting, getting to know her, sharing your thoughts and feelings), the big things (love, commitment, marriage) will take care of themselves.


Dating is supposed to be a fun opportunity for you to get to know each other and see what you have in common. Enjoy this time! This is what falling in love is all about!


Now go get that phone number! 8)

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i got the phone number , but i really dont know what am i going to do with it.... for sure i wont ask her out first becasue iam travelling in the vaccation, and second, becasue i wanna do this when we know eacch other more...


Today i asked her for her phone number and i got it. she got mine as well.. then what ? i think in my situation, when i asked her for her phone number she should be sure that i love her... so what should i wait from her ? what should i expect from her ? calling me, trying to talk to me more or what ? or i just got her number and she will wait as well for me to do the move ?


Like i mean does she have to do something bec i asked her for the number or she just could stay like that without doing anything ?

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NO no NOOOO!! What do you mean you dont know what to do with it!!! What in the heck are you thinking!! OF COURSE YOU"RE GOING TO ASK HER OUT!!! Why do you think she gave you her number??? So you could just look at it and admire it....man....do you get it? I'm not trying to be mean...its just SOOO obvious you don't know what you're doing at all. Asking her out...call her up in a few days, ask her to go to the movies, go somewhere...eat..anything! That IS the whole point of going out so you can see each other one on one and get to know one another better to see if its a possibility of being in a relationship....don't EVER mention marriage to this girl, or you're going to mess this up.


You'd better call her...I mean that's the whole point of you getting her number...she's giving you permission to ask her out , unless you asked for it by sayin like "Hey can I get your number for a project" (like if you're in some group with her)..but that doesnt seem like that's it.

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lool ohh man u made me laught alot . u made me look like an idiot, well actually iam . anyways, ask her out ? how ? i cant lol really i cant stop laughting while iam writing now hehehe.


How should i ask her out and risk with my feelings ? dont u think i should wait a little bit ? maybe i know more things about her ? i will travel after we finish college by a week.. so do u think i ask her out in this week ? or wait till i come back and see what happens next ? hhehehe iam sooo stupid 8)

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something else to say, i got her number maybe just to have her number u know ? normally like bec we are with each other in lectures and stuff so normally i should have her number, doesnt necessary mean that iam going to ask her out... Does anyone ask for a girl's number means he will ask her out ? i really dont wanna rush things what do u think

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Wait, you got her number...just cause you're in class with her?


So how did this happen, is that why you asked for it? or...did you say something like "What your number?" and she smiled and gave it to you, and then asked for yours? Or did you say its b/c we're in class, and I'd like to keep in touch?


Do NOT tell this girl you're 'in love' with her, or that you 'really really like her' yet...just ask her out, you're right, you're risking some feelings...but man that's part of it. I think if she gave it to you with good intentions of you askin her out, you should just call her in a few days...like Friday or Sat. maybe, ask her out or set up some sort of date for when you get back from vacation.


When a girl usually gives you her number, its a good sign she wants you to ask her out, she's giving you her number b/c she trusts you(as a friend), or she really likes you and wants you to call. Now honestly, there are times where I've gotten girl's numbers and not called them b/c its just a friendly exchange of numbers, and I'm not interested like that, and I'm pretty sure she isn't either. So I can't be sure this is why she gave it to you unless you have a good idea of what she did when you asked for her number....it could be just a friendly exchange...I dont know. You could just call her up, and instead of a one on one date, just go with some friends bowling for the fun of it, and invite her to come along, and possibly bring some girl friends of hers. Just try..

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Ok, you need to take a bit of time to clear your mind. First, marriage shouldn't be on your mind yet. That just creates unnecessary pressure and is more likely to scare someone away if she knows your thinkink of that so early. And you can't know if she is the person you want to marry until you at least go out with her for awhile.


Now, you have made many posts wondering if she likes you. You have complimented her, ignored her, asked for her number. You say you are 90% sure. So why not just ask? Right now you are just driving yourself crazy wondering. Ask her out and you'll have your answer one way or the other.

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yeah u r right shysoul, iam making my self crazy.. actually iam crazy now.. i got so tired from this.. i dont eat alot as before and i feel always that feeling before an exam lol.. i dont think i will ask her srry but i think i should not think that much about her bec really it is destoying my life.. so now i need ur advice to stop making my self feel that painful feeling ?


Like iam always worried and thinking about her.. i dont know what to do iam loooost

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Here's my honest opinion:




You've gone to far into this, put to much of your heart, invested to much time to just forget about her. Once someone is in your heart they are going to stay there.


You are not lost, your just unsure of yourself. You have built up this fantasy in your mind, one that is controlling your feelings. The only way this fantasy is going to stop is if you get your answers once and for all. If she says yes then you'll finally have what you've been waiting for. If she says no, I won't lie, it will really hurt. But he'll recover and in time move on. You'll have the one thing you need to move on, a definite answer. And, should the worse happen, I and everyone else here will be here to listen and help you through.


Here's how to get rid of the pain, turn it to anger. Get angry and fed up with feeling like this and determined to do this once and for all. No turning back, ask her out.

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i asked a friend to c whether she has interest or not ... is that a good thing to do ? as backstreetboys say : i pray for this heart to be unbroken lol


It can be good or bad. Using a go-between is certainly less scary for you,

but she might wonder why you're not asking her yourself. Good luck Always!



Hi ShySoul,


Thank you for your kindness! I don't deserve it, but you definitely made my day!


I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. That was my last intention!

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