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My boyfried likes me chubby, I don't...what do I do?

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I posted earlier about this, but still need a little direction.


My boyfriend left to go home for the summer. We drove to see each other this last weekend. I've been working out and getting in shape. Before he went home for the summer, I just kind of ignored my health, ate whatever came my way, and didn't exercise.

I was getting pretty chubby, no definition in my body, etc. I was kind of unhappy with my body and wanted to do something about it, but never had the motivation.


With my boyfriend gone for most of the summer, I decided to start working out. He saw that my body had changed, I maybe lost a little more weight than I should have...I started eating healthier also. He was very upset, because he liked my body the way that it was, before he left to go home for the summer. I'm finally happy, because I'm in shape, and enjoy looking in the mirror.


What do I do...he's unhappy with my body now, because he used to like me with a little chub on me, now I'm pretty fit and he's not happy with it and would like me to add the weight back...otherwise, he won't be happy.


What do I do?

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Honestly probably the reason that he likes you chubby is because now that you are in great shape more people will hit on you, and he probably feels like you are too pretty for him and will leave him. Just re-assure him that you want to be with him (if you do)... if you like the way you look keep it- don't change yourself for someone. You have to be happy in your own skin.

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It's your body, never let anyone tell you what to do with it (as long as you're healthy.) Tell him how you feel (you being happier, etc) and he should understand! If he really wants you to gain weight, that is incredibly selfish.

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If he loves you then he should be happy as long as you are happy. There are people who like their partners to have a little meat on their bones but talk to him about it. Tell him that you are happy with the new you and he should be too.

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I responded before, and I will say it again, your bf sounds controlling and I really think you owe it to yourself to continue with your healthy habits and if he does not like it he is the habit you need to change.


I always get concerned when I see controlling behaviour like this, it usually escalates and can lead to nothing but trouble.


Please keep up updated on what you decide to do.

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