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MY ex and I broke up about 3.5 months ago; things didn't end really as good; I started NC alot after and when I see her - I don't really talk to her; only when I have to or something. But anyways the question is; when we were together, she gave me a picture frame + a bunch of pictures of herself so I can set her picture somewhere. It's taken down now and in a bag or something.


I'm moving in about a week and I don't know what to do with it. I was thinking of just trashing it because thing didn't end so pretty.


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Replace the picture in the frame with a mean looking photo of 'Mr T' of the 80's popular TV hit The A-Team pointing at you menacingly, so whenever you look at the frame and are about to reminisce you can think of what Mr T would say.

Something like 'what do you think you are thinking about fool!


I hope that suggestion helps.

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Replace the picture in the frame with a mean looking photo of 'Mr T' of the 80's popular TV hit The A-Team pointing at you menacingly, so whenever you look at the frame and are about to reminisce you can think of what Mr T would say.

Something like 'what do you think you are thinking about fool!


I hope that suggestion helps.


LOL wow, what you said there really made me laugh - alright.. so what about the other pictures of my ex? I'm already in another relationship currently and both really happy.

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Well I'm not too sure... when I broke up with my ex on a bad note, he gave me all of the pictures I gave him back and told me he never wanted to remember me.... me, personally, I have a box I keep everything in... It's kinda immature in a way, i guess, but after a while, you'll stop hating your ex and you'll be able to remember the good times you had... So if you have a ex-girlfriend box with old letters, cards, etc. I'd put them away in there. Then when you want to reminice about the good times you can! If you really want to just get rid of them, give them back to her! It might be like a slap in the face, cuz thats what it felt like to me when my ex did it, but then again, you might want her to feel like that if she hurt you.

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no no no, no offence to shorty but you don't want to listen to her.

We live in a wonderous age of technology where anything is possible.

What you should do is enquire where you can get them pictures turned into both drinks coasters and maybe a jigsaw puzzle, then hand them to her and say to her if she and her friends are ever stuck for things to do on a rainy evening, all they have to do is pull out the jigsaw puzzle and try and work her out, whilst not forgetting resting their fizzy pop on the coasters.

Well hey it's an idea anyway or you could just put them in an old biscuit tin and look at them when you are all old, grey, bitter and incontinent.

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Personally, I would trash all of it, or at least keep it at the bottomless pit of my closet for a long time. If you want to heal, I suggest just keeping reminders out of view for a while until you can deal. When I broke up with my ex, I only had one reminder of him; a stuffed moose. I threw it away, mostly because of the fact that he cheated on me, and was really heartbroken.

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Yeah I'm goign to have to lean towards the trashing it; I don't want to be reminded of her - I mean.. I'm completely over her and I'm happy with my new g/f, but I just don't want to be reminded of her; just by looking up and at a picture.

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I agree with keeping to pictures in a place that is not easily accessed, so you wont be tempted to continuously look at them. There will come a time where all the hurt has ended and you have moved on with your life and you will probably look back at these pictures and smile and think of all the good times you both had instead of the bad.

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