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he said, 'i don't want a girlfriend'

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I'll try to keep this brief.

This dude i know for the past coupla years shot me down!

Several years ago, he was head over heels for me, but i had a boyfriend and couldn't do much about it. He asked me out, talked to me a lot and then when he realized we weren't gonna date, left me alone. Then, about 1 year ago, i met him for a beer. I told him we should go on a real date, he said 'yeah' and then i got involved with someone else, so we never went on the date. Just recently i began to find him charming. I hung out with him one night (no hanky panky or nothing), just a little huggin'. I was thrilled, i thought maybe the timing was right. The he said it, "I DON'T WANT A GIRLFRIEND". I thought he had totally enjoyed my company! Can you please explain what the hell happened? Is he gonna change his mind? He liked me before!! I called him the other day, his buddy picked up and said he couldn't talk. It hurt so bad. GUYS tell me what he is thinking!

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This is probably not what you want to hear, but I suggest you leave him alone and move on.


He probably enjoys your company, you must be a really cool, fun person... but he doesn't want more . Whether or not he wants a girlfriend or YOU as a gf... he has been pretty clear.. and you can respect that, right?


You shouldn't waste your time. Lot's of other guys out there and I bet you find one that DOES want you as his gf .


Best wishes.

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Ummm was he supposed to sit around waiting for you?

Maybe he feels like you are probably going to leave him hanging again. I used to really like a girl some years ago and she too turned me down twice. Months later when she appeared again I wasn't about to give her third chance to turn me away.


You probably made him feel like sloppy seconds.


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I agree with MiquelAngelo. He may have been interested in you before, but being brushed off twice has a tendency to turn people off emotionally. I can understand if you had a BF the first time he made advances at you, but what about the second? You suggested that the two of you go out on a real date, and then you ended up with someone else? What kind of message is that supposed to give him? He'd have to be crazy to open himself up to you emotionally so you can reject him a third time.


If I were in his position, I'd be reacting the same way. Sorry, but I don't think you have a chance with this guy.

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Been down that road. Cut your losses and run. Anybody who says "I don't want a boyfriend/girlfriend" is just basically attempting to be nice. I would just rather that person be honest and simply say "Piss Off".


Whenever I hear "I don't want a...." it freaks me out. That pretty much means "I think I want to play stupid little head games with you".


Like, get real. EVERYBODY wants a mate. That's the whole point of human existence. It's a bad excuse. Cut and run.

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I agree with MiquelAngelo. He may have been interested in you before, but being brushed off twice has a tendency to turn people off emotionally. I can understand if you had a BF the first time he made advances at you, but what about the second? You suggested that the two of you go out on a real date, and then you ended up with someone else? What kind of message is that supposed to give him? He'd have to be crazy to open himself up to you emotionally so you can reject him a third time.


If I were in his position, I'd be reacting the same way. Sorry, but I don't think you have a chance with this guy.


I have to agree with this. How does he know that you are not going to do the same thing to him again? And I really don't see how you can change his mind - unless you hang out with him some more and try to show you are really serious this time. But it doesn't look good.

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seriously, whadda i do to get him back?

i text him nearly ever night trying to make funny jokes n' stuff.

i can't tell what he thinks....kinda seemed like a 'facade' of sorts, trying to be tough around me and stuff. he sure is busy anyways.

so is there anything i can do to prove my interest and get him back?

please, give me some optimistic ideas to get him back into my life again.

i probably sound/seem like a stalker to him.

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How can you get him back when you never had him to start with? Best thing is to hang around with him as much as is reasonable, show him what a fun and sexy person you are and see if he asks you out.

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I'd still like to hear how you ended up with another guy the second time you brushed him off if you were so interested in him.


I really don't think you have a chance with him. No one wants to be someone's second choice. He obviously feels like a second choice to you. You had a chance to pursue him and you picked someone else. Only now that your relationship with that other person has ended are you going back to him.


Imagine how you would feel if you were in his situation. You don't have a chance with this guy. Chalk it up to life experience and move on.

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i see how it is, yeah....

i just didn't know that he was THAT cool.

he does some of the same things that i do and i rarely find anyone who

likes the same things i do. what a pity. perhaps he doesn't want me now that he's able to have me. love is just plain ridiculous. it seems like it is never gonna work out.

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well can i get him still?

i've sent him many text messages.

i assume he is trying to protect himself and just knows better.

then again, he may be irritated/not interested at all.

i tried breaking the ice but it ain't working at all.

you know, i wish i had just stuck with him. he is so nice and a nice guy is what i realize i want now.


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well of course i want to try. i'm scared to get hurt though.

also, the reason i couldn't be with him the 2nd time is because i had yet another boyfriend at the time and was in between break-up and being together and that's why. i did find myself very bored though, that 2nd meeting there. but he is NICE/predictable, which is kinda what i need. and why the hell did he let me spend the night with him/next to him if he didn't like me one bit? what the hell is that about? then the next day, 'i don't want a girlfriend'....also, he didn't make one single move on me that night until i decided to, like 2 hours into the night!! i just wanted to hug him and that's what i did and of course he hugged back and seemed to like it. makes no sense. dammit i hate this.

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Of course you are scared to get hurt - so he is he and he has more reason to be scared given how you were before.


So - if you want him you are going to have to work at it. Not by stalking him but explaining what happened before, why and how you have changed, and why it would be to his advantage to try with you now.


This may not work at all and you may get hurt. But at least you will have tried and won't be kicking yourself later on for not trying.

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i think my seriousness has freaked him out a little bit....

so i think it's best to move on like you said.

it REALLY REALLY seems like he doesn't give a crap and i see why he wouldn't. i was so full of CRAP. i dunno what to do. i think i should just leave him alone. i couldn't deal with the rejection and i think that's what i'm gonna do if i bug him anymore.......i think he lost any care for me with all of this and i imagine it would take a lot of work and i'm just not up for the legwork. it shouldn't be so hard. I'M SCREWED! AS USUAL! SCREWED!

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