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Interpretation needed please

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My ex and I broke up and he immediately started goin out with someone else and was engaged to her within a 7 week period. W e had constant contact in this time until I told him if he made contact again I would get the police involved, I also sent him a text message stating the same thing. He responded:

Sure thing. Make sure you stay out of my life then. I am going to make drastic changes cause I am better than this. In fact I am the best so good luck in life without me.


What is god's name is it suppose to mean?

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he is mad. but really, what do you expect? when people are really mad, don't take too much of what they say seriously - yah, 9 times out of 10, its just to hurt the other person.


those people who are mad, and can talk openly and calmly and use "I" messages, you can listen to them.

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