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(Shes 19, im 21, dated for 2.5 years)


Well, i woke up this morning thinking about her again. We have been broken up for about 5 weeks now. But the last two weeks we were talking heavily, and kissing etc. After a series of messed up events over the weekend... I told her monday that i couldn't just be her friend while she needed to find herself.


Not to mention, i *think* something might be going on at her work with some guy, whatever. It doesn't get easier. We havn't spoken or texted since monday. Its better she doesn't have me in her life knowing she can call me and ill be an emotional tissue whenever she needs it. She needs to know i wont always be there, and this was the only way to do that. Just seems like she is fine without me, maybe better off now. Or the fact that she works and go to school so much, she doesn't have time to miss me...


I keep thinking she was the perfect girl for me, and i wont ever find anyone better. I dont want to compare anyone in my future to her, thats not fair to them. I keep putting her on this pedistal even though we weren;t dating. And i keep kicking myself for all the mistakes i made in the relationship now, what if's ya know? Nothing i can do now.. I want to find someone to replace her so badly. We had so much together, i think thats why this hurts so much, that or the fact that she just seems fine now maybe. Anyways, i refuse to call her, i said we need to stop contact, so i should follow it. This isn't easy.. i know she will come around and realize what she lost when she "finds herself" and doesn't like these new friends she has anymore. Sad thing is, i'll be over her by then.. hopefully.

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you were with her for quite a while. Did you guys have a lot of fights? anyway, when people are exposed to different environments, ESPECIALLy girls, like new school or work, they tend to find some attention and thats exactly what happened to me. My girl loved me dearly but when she started her new job she got new friends. But sometimes life comes from behind you and kicks you right in the balls. you have to watch for women like that. But keep NC man, i mean its hard but its worth it. Weren't there signs before the breakup..cuz i know whenever i c those signs from now on, i either confront or get the hell outta dodge! we're young we don't need that emotional baggage. But then again u were with her for 2.5 yrs...i feel for you man.

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We did argue sometimes, about dumb stuff. And we are both VERY stubborn. So that doesn't help anything. Think we had a major communication problem. New job + new school + new environment seemed to change her into something completely different. You just think you know someone till this happens.. 2.5 Years later, she aparently is fine? Or she just keeps herself so busy to not think about it. That, or she found someone else at her work.

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same here...she doesnt show any sign of remorse. I mean its not like i did something to break us up. She just got exposed to something new like her new idiot friends who make her goto bars and clubs all the freakin time and she started to enjoy that feeling since she has been divorced...but still ur right just when u get to know somebody, they change..and it sucks man, thats why im down. I mean i dont know how people can just change like that..it has to do something with their pasts, like i think if your hurt too many times or been in abusive relationships u just dont seem to care, and personally i dont want to end up like that, and we shouldnt. But i guess we do need to be stronger but have to watch out for these people.

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i hear all of you. it hurts so much when they dont act like they feel any remorse. its a little unbearable sometimes even. im getting over a recent breakup with a boy who was no good for me...but i loved him anyway b/c thats who i am. i never abandoned him and was always there. my heart was chewed up and spit out like chewing tobacco. wats even worse...this is the second time hes done this to me. if anyones around to talk, let me know- or if u need to be heard, let me kno that too.

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I just want to say i feel for everyone in here. The guy that i adore, love, dumped me 6 weeks ago for reasons unknown and now is with someone else. Rebound girl? i dont know. But he doesnt seem too happy wit her. I have to see him eveyday too


My heart is breaking..

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smiles21 that sounds exactly like my situation. GF gets new job, new friends at work, and starts hanging out with the new people/in the new situation... we have a rough week with stress and finals from college and then BAM! I dont love you, Im not attracted to you... Im not seeing anyone but I really like this guy. And then BAM! the very next day Dinner Date with guy and I find out she went over to his house the night she split with me and he said "I bet you ten dollars you will try to go back out" and she told him no and started putting moves on him. Apparently from a mutual friend who keeps saying "I dont know what is in her head" but then this same friend keeps telling her "Go for it..." yeah.


it gets you. And though 4 years 9months really didnt matter at all. She could just toss it away and go have 'fun in a single life... like I did in high school." yeah. Sure. Being a good person, loving, and kind doesnt get you any where. She always tells me and told me I was so loving, and kind to her but thats not what she wanted I guess....

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