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Erectile Difficulties at 17!

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Hello, well I am a 17 year old who has probs gettin it up. I can get it up fine on my own. but with my gals, it takes forever to get it up .. and when they toss on a condom, it will go soft by the time it's on. This sucks and my girlfriend thinks its cuz im not attracted to her, when I am soo attracted to her. I told her its not her fault and it must just be the way I am ... I heard something about it could be from "over masturbation" like if you started masturbating early .. I was probably around 10 when I started. Am I screwed for life now? I can't bring Viagara to college and carry it with me at all times can I lol. This sucks so much.. Argh!!! Any help please?

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I am sure it's not because you are masturbating too much, it is more likely just nerves because you have no problems getting an erection at home by yourself. This is just going to take time and practice, maybe plan a time when you and your gf will do everything but sex and no matter how much you want it don't go for it. Mess around and enjoy each other in a non threatening way that doesn't leave you with anxiety to stay hard and perform.


You are young, I think you will have no problems once you gain more confidence in the bedroom.


Good luck!

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I'd agree with Hope. Likely to be nerves or performance anxiety.


I don't know what circumstances you guys are having sex in but if you haven't tried it go for some mood stuff...slow lovemaking, maybe music and dim lights kind of stuff.

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it happens to most guys at some stagge in your life.


if all else fails, go down on her.. no offense, but you are 17 and boys tend to forget that girls are more than just a masturbation aide...


and you can never, never, never ever masturbate yourself into erectile dysfunction. ever. just be clear.


try turning her on, you might like it, and then *joy*


(spoken like a true girl)

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