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Is this a sign that she likes me?

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Ok in my school there are like 5 windowed doors that people usually stand in front off when they are waiting for someone to pick them up. Since the doors have a direct view to the parking lot. Anyways today I was standing in front of one of these doors and this girl came up behind me so I had to move out of the way. Anyways as shes walking through she turns around, looks me right in my eye, has a huge smile, showing teeth, and says "thanks". So do you guys think she might be attracted to me or something?

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only staring and a smile on face made u feel like she was attracted? boy, come on ... be practical. she may misunderstood u with someone else, when she found that she was wrong, she was surprized (that's why she was looking at u) at got ashamed (thats why she gave a simple smile)


btw, u haven't mentioned if that gal is familiar to u or not. and i really donno actually what happened. now, the suggestion is, if u like her, get her.


cheer up boy

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it depends in the way that she said thanks to u... if she said it, in a normal way, a way that anyone would say it, then no she's not.. but if she said is a sweet, soft way while giving u a cute look, then ya maybe she does... it all depends on the way that she talked to u...

what u should do, is try to start a conversation with her, talk to her and then u will be able to know from her reaction...

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