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I’m I wrong?


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It’s really hard for me to talk about personal stuff but I’m going to give it a try. I feel like I’m such a negative person within myself. My mom just came into town for the Holidays and when I’m in a such a bad mood I cut everybody off because I don’t want to drag my them to my shitty mood. Today, all my family noticed I was off on me like that whatever I was going through it seem like a personal problem. It felt like I was just a bother tbh! 

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36 minutes ago, Daisy713 said:

I feel like I’m such a negative person within myself.

Have you ever received counselling on how to better cope with depression/anxiety or just difficult feelings in general? It may not be a cure all, but it could help you not feel so bad about yourself or find it so difficult when dealing with the harder days.

It doesn't necessarily mean you're a "negative" person. It just means that you are finding it a bit hard to cope with stress or things that upset you.

It's not a bad thing, many people find it difficult to deal with these types of feelings and do seek help to learn new coping skills.

41 minutes ago, Daisy713 said:

It felt like I was just a bother tbh! 

You're not a bother. Feeling down, or in a down mood, never makes you a bother. You can't help it if you're having a bad day. The only thing that might help those around you, if is you communicate better when you're having days like that. Let them know that it's not them, that you're just not feeling the best.

Then they won't take things personally and will hopefully try to understand better what is going on with you.

But even on the days where you don't feel happy or feel sad or upset...it still doesn't make you unlovable or less deserving of love.

Those that love you, will understand and try to help support you. 

This year has been a difficult one. I think a lot of people are feeling much like you've described.

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47 minutes ago, Daisy713 said:

. My mom just came into town for the Holidays ,

all my family noticed I was off 

Boundaries are fine. So is personal space and quiet reflection.

Do you dread the holidays with family? Why answer to anyone?

Just say you're a little under the weather,then change the subject.

You don't have to make believe you're in a jolly mood or put on a show for family. Just be yourself.

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