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Ex GF desperate needs

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Good morning everyone , I’m a 24 year old male 

so I have been dating this girl since 2017 

she had come from a emotional relationship that took her 2-3 years to heal from . I come in her life as a childhood friend that known her . When we started dating she was not working neither was I . I soon got a job because I seen a future with her. I made small investment and by December 21 2017 , I made 68k . I told her I was going on vacation she insisted she didn’t want me to go along . I was going for medical reasons . I bought her flight and expenses while on vacation . We would argue and harsh each other out . IM not the perfect man but I try to be everyday in life . Soon I come back from vacation and I start spending money going out with her and I had quit my job . Everyone we ate it was take out and I wouldn’t think about it . We go on vacation again I come back and I am broke entering 2019 . I have 7k left she helped me open a business by letting me use her address as the location . No money was taken from her . It was simple I am the male I provide while she didn’t work . She would go to school and then not finish . She would have panic attacks or anxiety . That I had triggered because we would always argue and I would emotionally abuse her about being lazy and not doing crap . She then broke up with me within a 2-3 months she starts talking to this older 35 years old  guy that lied to her into moving in with her and who knows . Long story that didn’t work because she found out he had kids and a wife and only wanted to use her sexually . I pay phone bills I pay for everything . We get back together 2019 September . We get along then we strt arguing and fighting again until now October she left vacation and she broke up with me . She has gotten liposuction which I also have her money . She says she can’t trust me because I hurt her but she loves me . We are still talking and sleep together sometimes . Now she is demanding me to give her 15k because she needs it and wants to invest . It’s a hard time and all . She accuses me the reason she can’t work . Her family can’t work and tells me how she’s going to eat and feed her family . I’m still getting paid 

for my services from my business that all she let me do was use her address. I never borrowed any money . And I would instead be the one to give . She is single and i am single . But are two idiots trying to fix a broken relationship. Toxic for each other . She demanded and cried that she needs money and would tell me I’ll never change and can’t trust me because I can’t even do that . So is me refusing to give money me not changing ? . I’m I being used ? . I’m currently more at peace with out her but I do miss her . 

I never lived at her house she lived at mines . Always slept and never worked ever since 2018 April . Now she is mentality not okay and stable to work and in need . 

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I supported my self financially . I have never depended on anyone for assistance. I agree with finances better . She’s demanding I give her 15k . She says I have all this money because of her . She didn’t help me get not one client or in any way worked with me . All she did was sleep and eat and say she’s not mentally okay and suffer from

anxiety and stress I have caused .  

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It sounds like she suffers from mental health issues. Just step away if you feel this isn't right for you. Come up with a different solution for your business. Rome wasn't built in a day. You'll have to distance yourself from each other and start thinking more independently. Surely you realize that you're being manipulated. 

What I would do is take a look at what's happening now versus a list of all the things you want actually done or to have done by X time (let's say 2 years or 5 years from now). Set some goals for yourself - near and future goals and ask yourself whether what's going on now or what you have now is aligned to where you want to be. 

It's a simple exercise but it might help you see how your current situation isn't working with where you want to be overall. Helps with clarity and purpose. Hope this helps. 

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