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This is Kinda Minor.....But help would be good

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Ok well to alot of ppl this is like OMG WHO CARES kinda thing but to me its a big deal since im in 6th grade.....ok well me and my bf have been goin out for about a month and a half and now this other girl likes him so my friend called him and asked him if he liked her and he said no so she went ahead and asked him if he still liked me and he said yea KINDA and so she was like KINDA?¿ and he said yea and so she was like well then why are you still goin out with her if you only kinda like her and he said i ddont know because i still kinda like her. Then later that night she called back to "talk" to him about it and she started it by asking if he liked me and he said yea he liked me alot and no he wasnt gonna break up with me and he didnt know why he said KINDA earlier......DOES HE LIKE ME OR DOES HE NOT? AND GUYZ: WHAT MADE HIM SAY KINDA?


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he obviously does other wise he would have broke up wit u right away but hey u have ur whole life to worry bout guys and stuff just settke down and dont get upset over these relationships cuz i doubt it will last anyway just dont worry bout this he does like u cuz he said u did and ur both "immature" in the datin world so just dont worry bout this aight

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well you see, man are pathetic fool I am a pathetic fool. IF the woman is lonely and your girlfriend is not around we are weak to that BUT I can stand on my two feet and tell that yeah I kinda love my girl too lol and im 20. Its like when beautifull guys came to see you, you aren't like "no way get the **** out nig" its our way of doin it and he may be shy your b/f as well. ;PP think about all of this.




Jeff l. Spiegel

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