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How long did it take to REALLY miss you ex?

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I know NC is to heal, but how long does it take for your ex to miss you while doing NC? Why are my feelings becoming more intense for her after doing NC for a month? Do you think she is feeling the same way. (By the way I told her not to call me) otherwise she would every day and she says she doesnt want to get back together, that is why I started it. So do you think she misses me? Do the feelings become more intense for both parties the longer your apart if you were very very close when we were going out and after the breakup?


She was upset because I started NC, I told her through an email why I was doing it, and by the way she is very stubborn as well.


Question for the dumpers - How long did it take you to REALLY start to miss your ex when not talking to them at all?

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Honestly I didn't think about her for a good six months, then my friends started to bring her up and I began thinking about her. It's been about 9 months since we broke up. I think I did the NC a little too good, she contacted me and I still held it up. Now shes been dating another guy for about 8 months maybe a little more. The NC needs to be done with extreme care to much or too little can be bad.

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I waited 8 months for the dumper to miss me, granted I didnt do strict NC, it really wasnt an option at the time. Feel free to find my posts, I found out that NC is an option. Ive had really good NC for about the last month and a half, and Ive started dating and meeting new guys. Now is the time that I wonder, is he starting to miss me now that Im doing REALLY GOOD and now that Im VERY SLOWLY starting to open up my heart a little and taking MY turn to go have fun with other guys, while throughout this whole past 8 months hes had his turn, it even started before we broke up.


I probably really didnt answer your question, but in my opinion whoever is on the recieving end of NC has to truly want in their heart to miss the one that is shutting them out.


Have a great night!

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Usually they break down around 4 weeks. After 5 weeks or so they've lost interest or never truly cared anyways.


I disagree. I waited around 19 months for a dumper to miss me. I think it took him that long because he 'rebounded' straight from me to another woman, so he was involved elsewhere and his mind was probably on her. Maybe he'd missed me throughout those 19 months, I don't know, but if he did he didn't let on he did, nor did he try to contact me, so I'd assumed it was over for good.


Down the line, well......his mind obviously wandered back to me and then he began pursuing me like crazy. Only trouble was, he was still with his girlfriend, so of course I didn't take him seriously and told him there wouldn't be an 'us' again so long as he was with her.


Fast forward 10 years later, yep, he's pursuing me again......


So they can turn up at any time, sometimes takes days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months, even years down the line, before they miss you.....


Don't hold your breath awaiting them missing you....glad I never haha!

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[Don't hold your breath awaiting them missing you....]


(can someone tell me how to get a quote from another poster to post in in my posts in the white box? sorry, been wondering that for a while)


I agree, its best to move on with your life as best as you can, any pain and heartache you have will soon fade ( although maybe never completely )but at least you know that you havent depleted your soul and spirit waiting for something that may never be again. Its better to get on with your life and if that other person finally realizes that they do miss you, then you will be the one to ultimately make the decision of whether or not to allow them to come back into your life, your new and improved life that you have allowed yourself to have without that person.

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