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I really feel like I have new lease on life!!!

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Granted I'm not there yet, but today has been a wonderful day. I amicably filed for divorce. It went so smoothly it's surreal, we still have a hearing to go to before it's offical but I've taken the big step.


I met with the social worker who has basically told me if I really feel that my son is just too much for me they'll work harder at getting his dad to take over custody! I love him and all. I just don't think I can be the kind of parent he needs me to be. I'm a free spirit type of person and he cannot handle even the smallest of changes. His dad is much more structured or appears that way. Once they give him the overall I know for sure, but it really gives me hope that life can get better. I'll still see him and be his mom, but not having the drama is a dream come true!


I feel freer than I have ever felt. Sure I still have responsibility but for the first time in my adult life I feel like I can do or be whomever I decide to be, and not who someone else expects me to be. It's like the gate has lifted and I'm free!!!!

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Yeah I know it sounds bad, but if you knew the real story you'd understand. I've been in a type of hell for 10 years now. It's like I've served whatever sentance God gave me and have been released. It truly feels like I've been released from a type of prison.

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