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Is there really such thing as a soulmate? someone forever?

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I remember always desperatly wanting there to be one special person for me, a soulmate. Thru my short little life of fourteen years, I still believe in soulmates.


But not just one.


I believe all the right people come into your life at all the right times. A best friend may not necessarily be someone you've known for years but rather someone who quietly slips in and out of your life in a short period of time... all the while, changing you forever. These in fact may be some of the best of friends.


Last year and this year, I have slid through many people's lives and many loves. (well not many but more like four) With each of these people I had grown feelings for, we developed a strong bond. I truly felt love for all of them... but unique love towards all of them. None weaker than the other. None better. But all the while strong.


In this I learned that all of them filled my needs in their own ways but none of them had the complete package I was looking for (deep thinker, silly humor, romantic, and dreamer) Each had their own separate qualities. If put together, they'd be the perfect and complete package for me. They'd be complete.


But would I?


There's a reason why no one person fills all of our needs and it is this: if it was so, where would God fit in? Why would we need God? Why would we want God?


Humans are mere vessels for his love and all of his love for you cannot fit through one person. His love is through many persons, through many living things, and thru all of LIFE. Yes, life. God is life and life is God. The two words are interchangable. There is nothing that God is not. We are all a part of him. We are all one.


But this doesnt mean we can experience all of God thru just one way.


This has taught me the meaning of "to love is to let go." To stop trying to hold onto a person. To stop demanding of a person. To stop needing a person, needing anything. To stop searching.


The burden is liften. I know this simple truth. I am One with him once more.

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Darling, you are truly wiser than your years should allow.

Well said.


To stop searching for something to fulfil us is a struggle most of us face until our dying day, when in fact, the only fulfilment we need comes from within. Our belief in God should 'fill the gaps' our souls long for...



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The funny thing about us humans, though, is that we can see or 'put' God (whatever that words mean to each person reading this) into any relationship or situation we so choose...


When my wife and I were separated, I found a woman I believed to be my 'one' true love of a lifetime... I saw that God had put us together - we liked the same music, movies, foods, etc etc etc... She was from God, I believed. She believed I had been sent from God... We saw what we wanted to... Then of course when things started falling apart, we immediately saw that it was not from God, or maybe God was saying - uh, no...


So, we have to watch what we think is from God and what we think is not...


Now, do I believe in soulmates? You better believe it... But, I dont feel there is 'one' person for each of us, and good luck finding that 'one.' No, no... There are many people out there who can fulfill all the roles a person needs, wants, desires... Someone forever? Absolutely!


Why do some relationships last and other don't then? Lots of reasons, and some of those are ones you talked about... Sometime, people come into our lives for a reson, and we get caught up in that person or those feelings or whatever, and over time, it changes, or we change, or we see that what we thought was, really wasn't.... All doom and gloom? No way! It just means there is someone out there (or someones, really) who can be all we want, need, desire and they can be the same for us....

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Clearly, you get it.


Only God can fill a God-shaped hole. Everything else will always leave you still hungry. Funny things about humans, indeed. (indeed! lol) We try to define God, to create our own god, and although we may feel our lives are filled with this defined God whom we worship in a defined way, we are missing the point completely.


In fact, the word "sin" derives from a Greek word meaning, "to miss the mark."


Now, if I remembered the actual word, that would help- curse my short term memory! (kidding)

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I disagree. I know people who don't believe in God and they are as happy as they can ever be. I think people can fill up this 'hole' with whatever their passions are in life. Whatever your passion is, stick with it and most of all stop worrying about this soulmate issue. I think you can connect very well with certain people but don't believe in the whole soulmate deal.

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I disagree. I know people who don't believe in God and they are as happy as they can ever be. I think people can fill up this 'hole' with whatever their passions are in life. Whatever your passion is, stick with it and most of all stop worrying about this soulmate issue. I think you can connect very well with certain people but don't believe in the whole soulmate deal.


You dont have to believe in God to experience him. As I said before, there is nothing that God is not. If you love life, you inevidably love God. But believing does help to understand things better because trust me, life makes a whole lot more sense if you do.


Anybody can seem happy on the outside. we're all actors. We can do whatever we want

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I disagree. I know people who don't believe in God and they are as happy as they can ever be. I think people can fill up this 'hole' with whatever their passions are in life. Whatever your passion is, stick with it and most of all stop worrying about this soulmate issue. I think you can connect very well with certain people but don't believe in the whole soulmate deal.


You dont have to believe in God to experience him. As I said before, there is nothing that God is not. If you love life, you inevidably love God. But believing does help to understand things better because trust me, life makes a whole lot more sense if you do.


Anybody can seem happy on the outside. we're all actors. We can do whatever we want


I don't believe in God so how can I love something that I don't think exists?

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Believing or not believing in God isn't the issue. It's believing in and loving yourself and life. That's the reason people don't bring God into the conversation generally, there are two many issues that brings up. It can't be used to help everyone becuase some people won't accept it. That's why you should focus on what we have in common, what ties us all together. We are all humans living our lives. We all want to feel a connection, a bond with someone who understands us and loves us like no one else can. And we will find that. If you want to call it a soulmate or not isn't important. What matters is that we strive to be the best we can, love oursleves and all life has to offer, and one day that love will find us.


Personally, I do believe in God but it isn't your usually view of God. God isn't some holy, omnipotent power. God is a spirit, a force that resides in each of us. It's a feeling of love and compassion that motivates us to do good and help others, making the world a better place. There doesn't need to be a disconnect between God and us, we are all one, connected in a tapestry of life that is both simple and complex. Believing this has helped me appreciate all life, and not feel down because I have yet to meet the one special person whom I will always be with.

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That's what I believe too. Ever read Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh? You'd like it.


Anyhoo, that's what I'm saying: God is the force behind everything whether you believe or dont believe. We are all a part of him (im just using the word him because I dont like saying IT lol) and so we are all one with each other.


And every person fills our needs in their own way but there will never be one person to do so in all ways. You cant look to others to make you feel good about yourself... although relationships are very good tools for self expression.

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Again, I don't even believe in his existence. So how are you going to sit there and expect me to believe that God is the force behind everything? I won't accept that. I will accept, however, that we should all find our passions in life and stick with it.

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I DONT! Goodness, goodness. This is what I believe and my reasons for not being disappointed over soulmates. Believe in what you want! But do tell me for I am very interested.



Again, I don't even believe in his existence. So how are you going to sit there and expect me to believe that God is the force behind everything? I won't accept that. I will accept, however, that we should all find our passions in life and stick with it.
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I DONT! Goodness, goodness. This is what I believe and my reasons for not being disappointed over soulmates. Believe in what you want! But do tell me for I am very interested.



Again, I don't even believe in his existence. So how are you going to sit there and expect me to believe that God is the force behind everything? I won't accept that. I will accept, however, that we should all find our passions in life and stick with it.


Then say it's what you believe and don't say it like it's some kind of universal 'truth' that everyone has already accepted.

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But what if I believe it IS the universal truth?


I never said you had to accept it. What I am doing is trying to get others to understand what I am saying. That way they can determine what they chose to believe, on no false interprentations. This was meant to be a discussion not a debate.

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If I can play referee for a minute. I think blueangel is using God as a quick and easy term to stand for something much deeper. I think your probably both talking about the same thing only your calling it my different names. Caldus, you are objecting to the use of the word God, saying you don't believe in God. But you believing in living life to the fullest, following your passions, believing in yourself, etc. This is part of what blueangel refers to as God.


It's all the same, your just getting worked up over what to call it. God, Allah, fate, destiny, the universal consciousness, Yoda (that's for my best friend and fellow Star Wars fan).... whatever you call it the name isn't important. What matters is that you believe and have faith in something.


And I think that maybe blueangel was just wrapped up in the strength of her belief, so it came out stronger then some may like. When you are really passionate about something it is easy to come off strong. But I don't think she was trying to force her ideas on anyone.

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Well then let's make it clear that I do not believe in a higher being while she does. That's what I was getting at. She tries to say that if you love life then you love a higher being (namely God). Well if I don't even believe in a higher being in the first place then how can I love it?

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What if the higher being is in actually life itself? It isn't that that there is this one higher being out there, its that everything is connected together to create this massive force and bond. She calls it God, you call it life... it's doesn't change anything. You love life (at least I think you do), so you are loving what she calls God even if you don't want to use that word.


Really, as long as you believe in being a good person, doing what is right, and loving others, that's what God/life/etc. is all about.


Personally, I've always liked the idea that the universe itself is alive and that it invests a part of itself into each of us to learn more about itself and to grow. That's not really relevant to the conversation, but I felt like throwing it in there just to give something to think about.

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It isn't that that there is this one higher being out there, its that everything is connected together to create this massive force and bond. She calls it God, you call it life.


I don't believe that everything is connected together to create this massive force and bond. If that's what she believes in and calls it God, then I don't believe in God.

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What do you believe then? Maybe if you said it in your own words we can see if its the same thing.


Most people don't see how much everything is connected. A lot of people just see a world of random events. But when you can put together how remarkable symmetrical and tied together this world is, it's sort of a revelation in your life. You make sense out of things that confused you before. And it gives you hope for the future. Not trying to force anything on you, just stating my opinion.

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Believe what you want! This is what I've been trying to say. It's cool that you've decided what you want to believe in.


It's you who isnt cool with me believing in what I want to believe in because if you hadnt you wouldnt be giving me a hassle about it all. You were the one who said, "Dont bring God into this" remember? (in another topic for any outsiders reading this)



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Ever read Case for a Creator, shysoul? By Lee Strombel. It talks about how perfectly everything is designed. It's about a reporter gathering any scientific evidence that points towards God. It's a little over my head but since you're older, it might be an easier read for you- I dont know.

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What do you believe then? Maybe if you said it in your own words we can see if its the same thing.


I believe that there's a possibility that we will figure out what started all of this but until then I won't jump to the conclusion that God did it. I guess what it really boils down to is that I don't rely very much on faith in general. I mean honestly, who can believe in something 100% if they have never seen it? Sure, you can really believe in it but until you see it, it's just an idea to me. I don't like the idea of talking and praying to someone every day and then finding out after I died that they never existed in the first place. This goes for any religious/spiritual belief. I don't want to live the rest of my life believing an idea like that and then finding out when I'm gone that it was just simply my imagination the entire time.


I would rather live life and experience what I can and not live off of such an idea (if that's what you guys do). Yes, as you can tell, I'm mostly about the facts. That's why I really enjoy a lot of the sciences (especially astronomy). Scientists are mostly about the facts. What kind of data was gathered from star X and what can we prove from this? And so on. I really just don't have much faith in general. Don't get me wrong, I have self-confidence and all of that but just don't like relying on faith for a lot of things. I'm not saying you guys rely on faith or anything but I know a lot of religious/spiritual people that do. Was that the kind of explanation you were looking for?

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Believe what you want! This is what I've been trying to say. It's cool that you've decided what you want to believe in.


It's you who isnt cool with me believing in what I want to believe in because if you hadnt you wouldnt be giving me a hassle about it all. You were the one who said, "Dont bring God into this" remember? (in another topic for any outsiders reading this)




When did I tell you weren't allowed to believe what you believed in? If you believe in what you believe in, then cool.

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